[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 6 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

A regular poll carried out by a West Bank-based think tank, the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research, claims that most people in Gaza still blame Israel and its allies for the war, rather than Hamas.The latest survey in June said that almost two-thirds of Gazan respondents were satisfied with Hamas - a rise of 12 points from December - and suggested that just around half would still prefer Hamas to run Gaza after the war ends, over any other option.Glimpses through chinks in the media blockade around Gaza can never give a full assessment of the situation.

Headline does not even match the content of the article. BBC propaganda back at it again. Hamas is growing in popularity because they are the only party resisting the Nazis.

Also repost.

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world -1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Lesson #1 should be no Genocide. Kinda forgot about that huh

Of course if you don't recognize the government of a country it magically doesn't count. Just like how Russia doesn't recognize Ukraine.

Special military operation it is.

submitted 9 hours ago by Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

At least 16 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli attack on a United Nations-run school sheltering displaced people in the Gaza Strip, the Gaza Government Media Office said, as Israel continues to pound the besieged coastal territory.

Videos taken at the scene of the attack on the UNRWA school-turned-shelter in Nuseirat showed twisted metal at the collapsed building. A young boy could be seen sifting through pools of blood on the ground.

Footage shot at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in nearby Deir el-Balah and verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad agency also showed children and young people being rushed from ambulances.

They included a girl with a bandaged arm, another with a bloodied face and a boy bandage across his head. Emergency workers also tried to cover two bodies as they were quickly brought into the medical complex.

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 6 points 10 hours ago

If a Democracy dies because people weren't willing to vote for Genocide, did a Democracy die?

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

These cases were only the tip of the iceberg. A further 18 ‘borderline’ cases were found where there was not enough evidence to conclude that the Labour Party was legally responsible for the conduct of the individual.

They found 2 people, and proceeded to mention 18 fictional ones? It's funny that even when Corbyn is perfect somehow the entire party must now be clean as well.

Weaponising anti-semitism, bringing down Corbyn

Other governments were involved too. US secretary of state and former CIA director Mike Pompeo hinted in a private meeting with Israel lobby leaders that the US government could stage its own intervention to stop Corbyn becoming prime minister.

During the 2019 general election campaign, right-wing columnist Simon Heffer claimed on live radio that Corbyn “wants to reopen Auschwitz”—the most notorious Nazi death camp where Jews were systemically murdered on an industrial scale during the Holocaust.

Prominent Israel lobbyists also spat venom at Corbyn. “I think we should sacrifice him for all the trouble he has caused,” said Lionel Kopelowitz, pointing out the verbal similarity of Corbyn’s surname to the Hebrew word for the victim of a sacrifice.

Also do explain why Keir Starmer is fully supporting the israeli Genocide and trying to stop arrest warrants for Genocide. Is that not too far for Labour? Only "antisemitism" is of course. Unless it's not criticism of israel then it's fine for them.


“I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal,” Trump wrote. “Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Trump’s vague disavowal of Project 2025 came a few days after Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, made inflammatory statements about a coming “second American Revolution” that would be “bloodless” “if the left allows it to be.”

“As we’ve been saying for more than two years now, Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign,” the Project 2025 account said in a statement on X. “But it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement.”

Despite Trump’s claims to have “nothing to do with” Project 2025, his administration and campaign personnel contributed to the project, including Karoline Leavitt, his campaign’s national press secretary, as the Biden campaign quickly pointed out on X.

Former Trump administration officials wrote and edited massive chunks of the manifesto. One of its two primary editors, Paul Dans, who directs the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project, served as the White House liaison for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration, among other positions.

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 4 points 18 hours ago

Didn't they confiscate all his money too?

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 8 points 18 hours ago

If you ban them nobody gets to choose to wear them or not...

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

The idea that it wasn't a smear campaign is laughable. Especially now that everyone has finally realized criticism of israel does not equate anti semitism.

Keir Starker has coup'd Labour and turned it from a left wing party into another generic neoliberal corporate-sellout party like the Democrats in NA.

Keir Starmer is now trying to delay the ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant.

Before that US envoy suggests UK's Starmer would not respect ICC Israel arrest warrants

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 4 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

ISIS -K does terror attacks all over the region. Taliban fights ISIS-K.

This is not news for anyone slightly informed about the region. Are people going to be surprised we worked with Iran to fight ISIS next?

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 16 points 1 day ago

How long has this trial been going??

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

In which primary?

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

CEO bonus go up

[-] Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 47 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Everyone thinks it was humans. Why not a remnant from that time Nature started doing deepfakes to kill



The Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in America, has voted to divest its funds from Israel bonds and begin a process to encourage companies contributing to human rights abuses against Palestinians to change their practices. Alongside the financial decision, the church also passed a resolution condemning Christian Zionism, and thus rejecting the messianic ideology that views the takeover of Palestine to be part of a Biblical promise.

Votes were cast during the church’s General Assembly in Salt Lake City, Utah. The assembly, comprising 422 delegate commissioners and 82 advisory delegates, passed the resolutions as part of a broader package of legislation governing church activities.

The resolution to divest from Israel calls on the Presbyterian Foundation and Board of Pensions to divest from governmental debt held by countries maintaining prolonged military occupations and subject to UN resolutions. While this includes Turkey and Morocco, the focus has primarily been on Israel. The church, which has approximately 8,800 churches and 1 million members, has been sharply critical of Israel’s policies towards Palestinians for decades.

In addition to divestment, the church voted to begin a dialogue with General Electric and Palantir Technologies, encouraging them to end practices that harm Palestinians. The church contends that General Electric sells fighter jet engines used by Israel’s air force, while Palantir Technologies provides Israel with artificial intelligence technology for surveillance of Palestinians.


Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor emphasises that companies, including Autel Robotics—a Chinese electronics and drone manufacturer—must comply with international law. They should take immediate action if they know or reasonably should know that their products are being used for serious violations. Euro-Med specifically urges addressing the growing use of Autel Robotics drones by Israel in its ongoing genocide against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.

Since the very beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022, Autel Robotics has published statements deploring the use of any drone product to harm people or property. Despite this, Autel’s drones have been extensively employed for military purposes.

From the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Autel’s drones have proven to be popular on both sides. These drones have also been extensively utilised by the IDF in the Gaza Strip since the start of the attack on 7th October 2023. Initially used for surveillance and intelligence gathering, including indoor operations, they were later used to fire directly at Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.

In addition to aerial and artillery bombardment and ground incursions, the Israeli army has escalated its deliberate killings and extrajudicial executions of unarmed Palestinian civilians in various parts of the Strip. This includes direct targeting with snipers, electronic-controlled quadcopters, and small drones in shelter centers, hospitals, streets, and populated residential areas.


Viktor Orbán, Europe’s most pro-Russian leader, met Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Friday on a rare trip to Russia that drew strong condemnation from other European leaders.

Orbán’s visit to Moscow came days after he made a similar unannounced trip to Kyiv, as the Hungarian prime minister attempts to position himself as a peace broker between Russia and Ukraine.

Shortly after landing in Russia for his first trip to the country since Putin launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Orbán published a photo with the caption: “The peace mission continues. Second stop: Moscow.”

At the Kremlin, the two leaders held talks that a senior Moscow aide described as a “frank conversation” covering all issues related to Ukraine.

Speaking at a joint conference with Orbán afterwards, Putin signalled he was not ready to compromise on the maximalist demands he made of Ukraine last month.

Putin repeated his earlier ultimatum to end the war, demanding Kyiv cede more land, withdraw troops deeper inside its own territory and drop its Nato bid.


An Iranian monarchist who filmed herself pulling the headscarves off Iranians in London fled to Israel after UK police announced they were investigating her.

The woman allegedly responsible is an Iranian pro-Israel activist called Bahar Mahroo, who later closed her Instagram and TikTok accounts and claimed she found the videos online. However, a reserve image search found no sources for the video, other than her Twitter account.


The main points were reported by the media on Wednesday: Even before Hamas responded to the Netanyahu-Biden proposal, the Prime Minister's Office already knew what it would contain. Hamas' flexibility came as a surprise to the man who said he supported the plan (which had been unanimously approved by the war cabinet) but who never expected to implement it. He therefore saw a clear and present danger to his government's survival – and that is priority No. 1 for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Thus, hours before Hamas' answer was due, an unnamed individual in the PMO describing himself as a "senior security official" rushed to hold a briefing for journalists in which he asserted that Hamas "refuses to budge on its principal point, which is to prevent Israel to resume fighting after the first phase, something that Israel will never accept."

The PMO has no security official, except for the military secretary who is not authorized to make such statements. Hiding behind this fake identity is fraud and hypocrisy of the most despicable kind. Journalists are forbidden from exposing this lie, but that is a story for another time.

While what occurred here was the political and malicious use of sensitive intelligence material, a stunt like this was nothing new for the prime minister. In his eagerness to put a spoke into the wheels of any deal, he arranged a briefing without even first convening or even calling the small forum that has replaced the war cabinet for fear that the majority would oppose his position. Such a majority exists.


A member of the Hamas political bureau has accused Israel of trying to evade negotiations for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange. Husam Badran added on Wednesday that the occupation regime is trying to distract attention from this obvious fact.

“We are keen to reach an agreement to stop the war, and our communication with the mediators continues,” explained Badran. “We exchanged some ideas with the mediators aiming to stop the war and agree on a comprehensive [Israeli] withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.”

He noted that the “enemy” knows that putting pressure on the movement’s leadership and constant threats is of no use. “We are the party most keen to end the war, and we are most concerned with achieving the basic demands of our people, upon which there is a national consensus.” The Hamas official also accused the Biden and earlier administrations in Washington of being “completely biased” in favour of the occupation state.

The New York Times cited officials on Tuesday, and said that Qatar has sent Hamas new amendments to the US proposal for a prisoner exchange deal.

Citing unnamed sources, however, Israel’s Kan channel reported that, “Hamas added a new condition to the negotiations, which is the army’s withdrawal from the Philadelphia axis along the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip.”

Moral highground (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor field team documented a compound and comprehensive crime against a civilian family comprising an elderly woman and her four children, including three young women and a one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter.

The family was attacked with gunfire and bombs after Israeli forces stormed their house on Thursday evening, 27 June. They were later taken outside and detained for over three hours despite their injuries in their home, near Israeli tanks in a dangerous combat zone, where they were used as human shields. The 65-year-old mother, identified as Safiya Hassan Musa Al-Jamal, was run over by an Israeli tank and killed in front of her son.

“I had assumed that we would be taken to a medical facility so that my mother could be treated, but instead they tackled me and my mother, putting her on the ground. After a few minutes, I realised we had arrived at the Mushtaha Roundabout, at the end of Al-Nazzaz Street. I inquired as to my location. "Your mother will be taken by ambulance," he said. My mom was on the ground, unconscious. There were two tanks on the right and left surrounding the roundabout. After the soldiers entered the tank, it started to move backward and ran over my mother.

Euro-Med Monitor has previously documented many instances of the Israeli army killing Palestinian civilians by intentionally running over live civilians with military tanks. Sixty-two-year-old Jamal Hamdi Hassan Ashour was one such victim. He was deliberately run over in Gaza City’s Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood on 29 February after he was arrested. The father of five was subjected to harsh interrogation by members of the Israeli army, who bound his hands with plastic zip-tie handcuffs before running him over with a military vehicle from the bottom to the top of his body.


On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that American presidents have “absolute immunity” from prosecution for any “official acts” they take while in office. For President Joe Biden, this should be great news. Suddenly a host of previously unthinkable options have opened up to him: He could dispatch Seal Team 6 to Mar-A-Lago with orders to neutralize the “primary threat to freedom and democracy” in the United States. He could issue an edict that all digital or physical evidence of his debate performance last week be destroyed. Or he could just use this chilling partisan decision, the latest 6-3 ruling in a term that was characterized by a staggering number of them, as an opportunity to finally embrace the movement to reform the Supreme Court.

But Biden is not planning to do any of that. Shortly after the Supreme Court delivered its decision in Trump v. The United States, the Biden campaign held a press call with surrogates, including Harry Dunn, a Capitol police officer who was on duty the day Trump supporters stormed the building on Jan. 6; Reps. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) and Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas); and deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks.

Their message was simple: It’s terrifying to contemplate what Donald Trump might do with these powers if he’s reelected.

“We have to do everything in our power to stop him,” Fulks said.

Everything, that is, except take material action to rein in the increasingly lawless and openly right-wing Supreme Court.

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