It fails to log in for me. It gets past the 2FA step but then fails to log in afterwards. Strange.
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Same here. It won’t accept my MFA code no matter what.
Have you planned to add a way to tune the font settings?
Wow, thank you. Finally a compact view that is actually compact while still telling me everything I need to know about a post. You know it's good when it takes all of 5 seconds to get used to the layout.
is it open source?
Make it defaul to no NSFW post and i will recommend it to my family
It should block NSFW by default, perhaps its your instance or account settings?
Downloaded, so far i’m impressed!
Downloaded. Looks great. Is there a plan to allow multiple account logins?
Will definitely add multiple account support
Awesome. Thank you.
This is what the fediverse needs, nice work
Would love to have an option to block communities/users. Unless I’m dumb and not seeing the option.
Very nice! Loving the Explore tab for finding communities, and the animations feel good!
I have a feature request: dark mode thats more of a dark gray than "amoled black". I find the contrast of white text on pitch black too much.
Edit: ...and iPad support would be awesome!
I like where you are going with this. Looks good so far.
I have one feature request. I really liked the way that Apollo would share pictures and videos. A typical use case for me would be find a funny image. Long press to share, send the shared image to any other app that supported sharing using the built in share sheet. That way I could do all kinds of different things. Save to my NAS, run it through a Shortcut send, or to a friend via whatever app.
Keep up the good work!
Downloaded , thank you ! It’s missing atm font size
FYI, you can also do this on a per app basis via the control menu
Unfortunately this requires iOS 16. Not going to lose my jailbreak for it sadly
Is it open source?
This is probably my favorite out of all the ones I've tried. Only one that comes close is Mlem.
Would love to see some gestures in here but otherwise it is great for a first pass. Nice work! Excited to see where it goes
Back for some more feedback.
Comment threads are a little overwhelming and need some spacing or distinction between each individual comment.
I also can't figure out how to see my posts and go to them with ease (checking for replies and such)
No notification I'm missing out on replies to my posts.
Other than those things, it is so smooth and a pleasure to use.
Excellent job with this app! Like it so far. Will report bugs as discover them. Thanks for sharing!
This is fantastic. Thank you for posting!
Great start. Performance is better for me than with Memmy and Mlem! Looking forward to how it evolves.
Swipe actions I miss most atm.