Are sov-cits now also opposed to the word "me"?
It seems to be a Rastafarian type speech among Moorish sovcits. Rastafarians say I in place of me it seems.
Thats how they get you.
They might get you but they're damn sure not getting I.
Well, their obvious lack of brain capacity seems to have an effect on their grammar skills, too.
I've read this 3 times and still have no idea what this person is attempting to do. Amazing post. Give thanks.
All i got was they want to discharge debt via their energy.
Which is something i would love to do
Pretty sure that’s just working a job and using you wage to pay debts
No, that's crazy talk!
Does that mean Goku owes me a paycheck for all those spirit bombs he lobbed at Earth's invaders? I have to pay for all my swords and potions and stuff in world-saving RPGs, it's only fair that he does the same.
They want to sue their employer for withholding payroll taxes. There is also something about them owing the employer money around taxes. Maybe some kind of fraudulently claimed deduction? I dunno.
So this "sovereign citizen" wants to use courts run by a government he does not accept, based on law he does not accept, and which are being paid with taxes he does not accept?
This person is clearly having a stroke and you're all making fun smh
"Give thanks" reminds me of Jeb Bush. I imagine this will work out about as well for the SovCit as the campaign did for "Jeb!"
Oh for fuck's sake, don't tell me they think "me" is another one of these "magic words" they think they know about...
I, miself, and I
It's a Moorish sovcit thing.
So close, yet so far. I'm willing to bet that they'd be staunchly anti-union if asked too
Not sure. It seems that they require consent. They make point that when they started, they did not consent paying taxes by employer in their behalf. But I find this hard to believe since in any place of employment I was filing some form (was it W4?) that is used exactly for these purposes.
Surprised they didn't go for "When I win this, it isn't just for I, it's for all of I"
From I=0 to I=∞ (can't use -∞, that's how they get you)
"there is no 'I' in TEAM, but there is a 'I' in TEAM."
"Many of you will die, but that's a risk I am willing to take."- Lord Farquaad
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