[-] amio@kbin.social 94 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

She probably agreed because that is at least a seamless way of "acknowledging" some totally incomprehensible bullshit that a stranger just told her.

Not that I see how the sertraline dosage even came up, to be fair.

[-] amio@kbin.social 120 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well, at least people were saved from terrible tra*ma by cl*verly h*ding the "u" in "ab*sive". Can't tell that's what it says at all...

[-] amio@kbin.social 84 points 3 months ago

I wonder how it worked. I mean, not the obvious answer which is that it fucking didn't. But how it was supposed to work.

[-] amio@kbin.social 178 points 4 months ago

For starters they keep making mostly the same game over and over. They're essentially doing the Bethesda shtick except their end results are better. Sticking to stuff that can mostly be made in the same engine as the thing you finished 15 minutes ago is going to shave off a lot of time compared to making a new game.

Of course that's not to shit on incremental improvements or engine reuse or anything. That is just sound thinking as long as the games are good.

[-] amio@kbin.social 109 points 4 months ago

Unless it's from the Kaijuu region of Japan, it's only sparkling beast.

[-] amio@kbin.social 93 points 5 months ago

Embrace the protective power of the AAHASHFSHFSHFASFHAFAHSFHSFAHAFFH

[-] amio@kbin.social 81 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

That conversation is really hard to follow between the hexbear emote spam (and non-emote spam), deleted comments and personal attacks.

[-] amio@kbin.social 113 points 6 months ago

Publically and condescendingly berating a (presumably) grown man in front of his entire family, infantilizing him and the crypto thing, the little power demonstration with the drinks, getting everyone to laugh at the poor jobless bastard?

Not sure how wholesome that seems to me. Chewing someone out in public, especially at dinner, is asshole behavior. Being overbearingly "positive" about it on the surface doesn't really help.

submitted 7 months ago by amio@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

So to my immense joy, Hexbear has started appearing on the front page again. Instance blocking is not available, and even the regular block feature sometimes fails (on certain communities?) for no clear reason. I've already tried blocking their "DuNk tAnK" and politics sub, it errors in a way that doesn't seem to happen otherwise. No idea why - more info on error pages would be nice - and I'm curious if that's reproducible for anyone else. (I'll hold off on being overly conspiracy-minded, but isn't it quite interesting that it doesn't seem to happen to other instances...)

As a stopgap measure I've hacked together these uBlock Origin compatible filters. Fairly easy to change if you want to block other/additional instances - or narrow it to specific Hexbear communities, though I can't imagine why you'd want to.

! https://kbin.social block any post to hexbear communities
kbin.social##article.entry:has(aside.meta > a.magazine-inline[href$="@hexbear.net"])

! https://kbin.social block any post from hexbear users
kbin.social##article.entry:has(aside.meta a.user-inline[href$="@hexbear.net"])

[-] amio@kbin.social 419 points 8 months ago

Funny, but unironically a pretty good idea.

[-] amio@kbin.social 119 points 9 months ago

This entire thread is hilarious. I've been paying for therapy like a sucker, I didn't know you could get infinite amounts of free psychoanalysis just by suggesting that Starfield is somewhat underwhelming.

[-] amio@kbin.social 119 points 9 months ago

You think C# is a Unity thing?

[-] amio@kbin.social 133 points 10 months ago

Not trying to be a contrarian (it just happens!) but boredom will not kill you. In fact, I challenge you to sit and be bored for a good few minutes. It's good for you. I'm terrible at it myself, but that's what being a dopamine crack addict will do, I guess.

If you're out of ideas for things to do, try mindfulness meditation (Waking Up is an app with a bunch of free lessons to get you started) - very little woowoo, just pay cursory attention to something, then when your mind inevitably wanders off, just "notice" and be, well, mindful. It's like an antidote for boredom, in a weird way, and studies have shown that for whatever reason, it's good for you.

Myself, I read books for any "random short term downtime".

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by amio@kbin.social to c/worldnews@lemmy.world

Please. All of this is mostly US politics. Please do not hijack "world news" to mean whatever new shit Desantis or someone else said this week. Every other magazine/community/whatever is already full of that shit. Please.

Please. Please. Please.

US politics already swamp out most of the content on the entire fediverse. It may seem like the world to you but there's almost 200 countries on this planet that are not the US.


Thank you.

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