Hexbear Proposals chapo.chat matrix room.
This will be a place for site proposals and discussion before implementation on the site.
Every proposal will also be mirrored into a pinned post on the hexbear community.
Any other ideas for helping to integrate the two spaces are welcome to be commented here or messaged to me directly.
Within Hexbear Proposals you can see the history of all site proposals and react to them, indicating a vote for or against a proposal.
Sending messages will be restricted to verified and active hexbear accounts older than 1 month with their matrix id in their hexbear user profile.
All top level messages within the channel must be a Proposals (idea for changing the site), Feedback (regarding non-technical aspects of the site, for technical please use https://hexbear.net/c/feedback), or Appeals (regarding admin/moderator actions).
Discussion regarding these will be within nested threads under the post.
To gain matrix verification, all you need to do is navigate to my hexbear userprofile and click the send a secure private message including your hexbear username.
electoralism fails again smh
Death to America
We live to see another day!
Honestly I have never seen as many dbzer0 accounts here as I have in the past week.
That's because they're V*ushites who are drawn to internet drama and debate pervertry like flies to shit.
Honestly, you'd really be doing the rest of us a favor if you did defederate and kept your mess to yourself.
can someone tldr i'm just here for the drama
One of the divide by 0 admins (ironically called Unruffled) got upset an .ml user posted a meme making fun of people who speak out against pirating from multimillion corporations. Unruffled decided the meme was a personal attack, saying all privileged westerners are against pirating, presumably because they're illiterate. Instead of explaining to Unruffled how words work, db0, the site owner, decided to defend them, then moved into harrassing one of our admins through DM, copping them both bans.
Then our admins were like "I guess if we're banning their admins we should probably defederate from them huh" and we said "no, staying federated would be much funnier" and here we are.