
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Tightness is a good idea, I'll see if I can work out anything related to that while I get a new chain and cassette.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah, ok, I see what you mean, personally I like that those kinds of abilities get disrupted like that - it puts more considerations on players for how they approach the unknown, forces communication and teamwork to synergise their abilities, and occasionally forces major changes of tactics in unexpected situations.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

i-think-that I thought claptrap was shit as soon as he started talking

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I might be misreading, but RAW Battle Cry seems to change the target of demoralise so it can always be used. Demoralise targets "a creature within 30 feet of you who you're aware of", but Battle Cry specifies you can "Demoralize an observed foe", without range. I've always read that as specific overriding general, and it makes sense because the normal range limit on Demoralise is because you're trying to get a specific person's attention in the middle of a fight, whereas a Battle Cry is attracting attention before the two sides make contact.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You can't even build a "Good" system once and expect it to provide you with rights by itself. It would still require well-meaning, educated, active, and organized constituents to continuously stand up for what is right, prevent corruption and abuses of power, etc.

Keep following the train of thought. If a good system requires well meaning, educated, active members to keep it going, then a good system is one that produces those people.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Definitely the right size and properly snapped together, but stiffness might be the case like enkifish suggested as well. I don't think it's between gears, I've had that issue before and it didn't have the freewheeling sound. I'll have a look at the channel and see if any of it helps though, thanks.

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Can I remind everyone that the FBI spent significant time and resources trying to decode immoral or satanic messages in the lyrics of the Kingsmen's "Louis Louis", but didn't even notice that the drummer shouts "fuck" at 0:54.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

But that costs money.... sadness

You're probably right though, it's been doing 8 miles a day for most of the last 3 or 4 years and everything else has had replacements, so it's due.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I had not done side to side, so I'll give it a go, but I suspect can might be right that it needs new parts...


Chain broke while commuting the other day - I managed to repair it at the time with a quick link, but the new link seems to be catching slightly when going through the derailleur. Every 4ish rotations of the pedals there's a very brief sound like I'm freewheeling, and the derailleur starts pulling back when in top gear, but I can't replicate any of it when the wheel's off the ground.

Might just be a dodgy quick link causing problems, but does anyone have suggestions while I wait for new ones to arrive?

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Actually, on second thoughts, this comment explicitly proves that you're a reactionary hiding their lack of investigation behind accusations of immaterialism - just by applying your own logic to real world numbers, you've gone from a day to half a week. You have no place opining on this subject.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, you'll notice that your "massive" 22°F is the difference between direct sunlight and no sunlight. Do you think there's another sun to take away after the first one, to get rid of even more sunlight and drop the temperature another 22°?
Why don't you believe that physical materials are capable of holding heat energy? Why did you latch on to atmosphere and ground instead of the biggest energy store on the planet, the ocean (you don't need to answer that we know it's because those are the ones I named)? Why do you think that the temperature difference between day and night - sunlight and no sunlight - is the same as the general rate at which energy is lost from the planet? Have you not ever been outside at night to discover the largest part of the temperature drop happens as soon as the sun disappears?

You're doing a very good job of the typical liberal application of raw, familiar logic to a new situation, but the only part of it you actually understand is that the sun supplies lots of energy, and haven't made it any further than that.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

that article is the peak of liberal honkey reasoning

Every single government will genocide 99.99999999999% of their population

I'm gonna be real, I started thinking about responding to the tiny relevent bit at the start (it's got a big picture to help you understand the interdependence you're talking about), but your histrionics about justifying the hypothetical are pretty funny. Like sib nobody's talking about how humanity would survive in the ridiculous hypothetical, we're just talking about the physics of heat loss.


I spent 3 hours putting my players through a tortuous fight against an invisible enemy and the freaks loved it. They were running in circles trying to find and counter it, only to get lured into aggroing and even harder encounter, at which point they fled. They got a piddly amount of xp for the handful of PL-4 enemies they downed along the way, then spent the last hour of the session reading rules to prepare for round 3.
All the invisible bastard did was hit and run, eating up their resources and wasting their time. We finished the session with them walking back into the exact setup they encountered almost 2 sessions ago when they first met it, and yet they're excited to face it again next week.

The last time my players were this excited about an enemy was fighting the Lamia sisters in Rise of the Runelords, who would dimension door away from fights they were losing. The players went absolutely wild with conspiracies and preparation for future encounters. Generally I struggle to get them to look at anything outside of sessions, while an enemy that runs away will even get the ADHD one to pour over lists of equipment.

So next time you want a villain to be memorable, just walk away. Mid fight, when it looks like the party are starting to get the villain on the ropes, just peace out. Say "nah man, I need some backup". And then when the backup dies, just peace out again. Buh-bye. You can do it for months without them tiring.


I haven't killed a PC in MONTHS, and the remaster not only stole my kill but taunted me by leaving them on 1 hp. this is bullshit angery


I'm sure you all remember the very very funny time we voted to ban the admins of DBZero but stay federated with the instance. It's still very funny, but it turns out that banning them has had an side effect that I, at least, didn't consider at the time: their mod actions don't federate anymore either.

See Hexbear post here:
After commenting, I went to look at what people were saying on the original post, and as you can see yourself, the post has been deleted on .ee and DBZero. Looking in the modlog over there it was deleted almost immediately after posting, but still exists as a federated post.

The above post is a non-issue and I don't have examples of harmful content making it through, but the implication here is that db0 and unruffled's (and indeed any admin or mod we've banned without defederating from) attempts to remove harmful content will not federate, unintentionally exposing our users to it.

Unless our admins have some way to bridge the gap I'm afraid we may have to defederate in order to maintain the safety of our user base.


because they hadn't invented spelling yet.


Woke: That doesn't even make sense, stop being weird

Bespoke: Space Marines can't be feeeeeemale because they're all gay for each other. It's just a giant polycule. they ain't talking about war when they call each other "battle brother".


What in the fuck is this shit

and it's my best friend playing and his decision making process in games is infuriating


i'm autistic this is ableism or something bird-screm-2 aaaa


We all know you're coming back, the lights haven't gone up. I'm sure it's nice to feel wanted, but you've already had loads of applause, just give us the show.

Anyway I saw Kneecap last week and they just put out an hour of bangers and left without an encore. Tight as fuck, energy stayed through the roof the whole time, one of the best gigs I've ever been to.


What games should I legally acquire for it? I had the various DS/3DS Zelda's, most of the pokemans up to Black, Bravely Default, The World Ends With You (which i never completed because I was bad at fighting on two screens at once), and Contact (which I never completed because it was made by Suda51). I'm leaning towards ~~steali~~ getting some of the later pokemans because I 100%'d Cassette Beasts and I crave more creature collecting, but is there any other good stuff?


That's how many four players and I rolled over 6 months of weekly 4 hour sessions of Pathfinder 2e. Roughly. There were a handful of rolls outside of the VTT, but probably less than a dozen.

The inventor rolled the most at 826, and the sorcerer the least at a mere 465. Not too surprising, with the inventor having a construct companion and the sorcerer focusing on buffing or forcing saves. The kineticist, champion, and I all rolled between 600 and 700.

The players rolled around 100 saves and 300 skill checks each, the remainder being attack rolls interspersed with the odd flat check (yes, the sorcerer rolled a mere 58 attack rolls).

Less interestingly, the means and roll distributions were pretty bang on average, with a mean of 10.51 across all rolls, the champion being the only real standout with a massive 10.70.

So next time you see an "unusual" series of rolls, remember that it only takes a few months to roll literally thousands of die.


Part 1: the murder
Part 2: the Nightmare begins (get it? because they cast the spell nightm- oh why do I bother with you people)

The chicken saga has finally reached its climax, and unfortunately they didn't manage to kill the party before the story demanded their removal*, but they did manage to traumatise them slightly, so that's nice. When I started this campaign 28 sessions and 7 months ago, I did not expect 5 of those months and 3 levels of gameplay to have a chicken revenge subplot lurking in the background. Actual encounters usually had about 4 sessions between them, but they stayed on the players minds the whole time.

The lead up encounters went exactly as planned, though some extra downtime taken by the party meant they went through a lot more nightmares than expected - still, it was fun seeing where each of their dreams started, and what happened to twist it for each character. Having met the first chicken and day after day of waking up Fatigued, they were fully expecting another chicken.
What they didn't expect was for the second chicken to run through a wall, peck at their feet (2d6 void damage), then run through a different wall. They especially didn't expect that to happen in the middle of fighting a wood golem. And they did not enjoy trying to chase it down, eventually losing it in a tangle of small rooms (where it was destroyed by persistant damage).
The third chicken was easy enough for them to destroy, as it simply stood in place screaming endlessly as it summoned pillars of hellfire to burn the party with (2d6 fire damage, basic reflex save). While this was the shortest encounter at only 2 and a bit rounds, the image of it left a lasting impression on the characters and players. Stood stock still, flames billowing around it, burnt wings raised to the sky as it screamed defiance at their strikes. The PCs got off lightly, but the players were shaken.
When they encountered the fourth and final chicken, they were bemoaning their decision 5 months ago to disarm a trap with chickens as soon as they opened the door. It was hanging around with 4 corpselights and spent the entire fight showing the party visions of how it died (will save or 2d6 persistant mental damage). While the fight overall left them satisfied with how they'd grown in ability (2 corpselights had nearly killed them 3 levels earlier), the chicken left a bitter taste in their mouth. Not literally, they didn't eat the ghost chicken, they just felt bad about killing it again.

The party could feel the final showdown coming, and despite their attempt to delay (they refused to accept that the answer to a puzzle might be the power of love, so spent 2 and a half hours dicking around trying other solutions after someone first suggested it) had to face it eventually - and it came in the form of a gigachicken. The final chicken in the group, killed by a beam of kaiju, had grown to kaiju propertions (Huge size plus Impossible Stature), and alternated between showering the party with angry chicken ghosts (Telekinetic Assault reflavoured into a cuccoo storm for 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage) and smashing its beak down on party members within 15 feet (2d8+4 void). While this went on, the rest of the flock harrassed the party with more pecks, hellfire, visions of death, and a foggy haze from Brrkit and Hypokokoko's fire and water interacting to conceal everything on the battlefield.
Extensive healing had to be deployed in the fight to keep everyone up as the AOEs weathered away at them, and while the tank tanked admirably, he spent much of the fight on the edge of collapsing, even after dealing with the biggest threat. Unfortunately for the chickens, the party have become fairly proficient in working together and killing ghosts now, so while they eventually won, and the chickens ghosts were drained away by whatever evil lurks at the bottom of the dungeon, they did not get out unscathed.

Honestly, I am a little disappointed - had Skiaknorth not been hit by a pair of crits that rendered his resistance to physical damage moot I think I could have killed one of the PC's, maybe even 2 with bad luck on the death rolls. On the other hand, the chickens have made the players think a lot harder about the consequences of harming living beings, especially while in a giant spooky lighthouse that fires beams of ghosts, and they gave lots of praise for the whole experience so I guess that's a plus or something. I would have preffered to kill a pc angery

Anyway, elsewhere they left a Morlock Ghoul sat in a beam of necromantic energy and feating on the corpses of other ghouls, then went downstairs and turned the beam of necromantic energy off. I'm thinking of turning him into some kind of slighted undead wendigo thing to chase them down? Revenant maybe? Lemme know what you think.

Stats: Mini chickens used the same statblock as last time, with the weak template for the lead up fights, and the elite template for the showdown. Skiaknorth has the most changes, though nothing major:

Special Abilities: Most abilities come from the optional Ghost abilities (pre-remaster) - the +2 to damages is an effect of the Elite template:
Memento Mori:

The ghost causes one creature within 30 feet to relive the ghost's death. The target must succeed at a Will save or see and feel what the ghost did, taking 2d4 + 2 persistent mental damage. All other creatures are Concealed to the target until the persistent damage ends.

Pyre's Memory:

The ghost causes great gouts of flame to erupt without warning.The ghost picks three 5-foot squares within 30 feet. Creatures that start in or enter one of these squares take 2d6 + 2 fire damage, subject to a Basic Reflex save. The flames last for 1 minute and don't set other things alight unless the ghost wishes. If the ghost uses this ability again, it dismisses any existing flames.

Telekinetic Assault was renamed to GigaChicken Assault, but functions much the same:

The ghost cries out in pain and anguish as its flock flies about about attacking all enemies in a 30-foot emanation. Creatures in this area take 2d6 + 2 bludgeoning damage, subject to a Basic Reflex save.

Impossible Stature was taken from the Hekatonchiere to emphasise Skiaknorth's massive size:

30 feet. This titanic chicken warps perception and distance around them, seeming even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or its movement within the aura is movement over difficult terrain (greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.

*mostly. Every rule has exceptions, and the players did speculate on new forms. Chicken Hydra, anyone?

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