What was the first computer you ever worked/played on?
Commodore 64
What was the first editor you used to write computer programs?
Commodore Basic lineeditor - followed by my own 6502 machine code editor ;)
What programming language did you write your first program in?
Commodore Basic
How many days/months/years after you wrote your first program did you learn Lisp?
about 25 years - wanted to understand emacs configuration, what finally lead to Common Lisp.
What was your first Lisp?
elisp, followed by Common Lisp
Which editor/IDE do you work with the most today?
the only one and true editor :) GNU emacs
What programming languages do you work with the most today?
Common Lisp (for hobby projects) and elisp - unfortunately I don't do real programming for money, but manage IT projects. Emacs and my own set of elisp helps me to get my work done (and procrastinate).
Which Lisp do you work with the most today?
Common Lisp and elisp