The lower card has more wear, which suggests that the upper card is newer, meaning that the student's approach to life changed for the better
Indians don't smile for photos, generally.
Year two he's been enculturated.
Also, skin tone suggests he's enjoyed some of Britain's famous weather.☁️
I think it’s Canada actually, but the point still stands
Correct the province of Ontario also has the city London and various other British city names. So I can see why folks get confused.
You’ve never been in an engineering undergrad program have you.
What do they know how to time travel???
Yeah, I think he's just happy to be that much closer to being done.
Ah, engineering school was a time.
It takes a toll even on the best of us.
Not my alma mater but Waterloo is a good school for engineering. Kid did well if they made it in and through.
For the curious, here is the original post:
It makes you have darker skin?
His world got darker
New version of the Incredibles guy and Hank meme.
Joker origin story unlocked
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