NileRed made one of these recently.
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I have never heard of this channel. Holy shit this is excellent.
You've been missing out! He's one of my all-time favorites.
Enjoy your solid-week of backlog!
Also check out his slightly more deranged second channel, NileBlue. I love his videos because they really show the whole scientific process, errors and all
And NileGreen parody channel
Does NileRed acknowledge that he is also NileBlue, or do they both pretend like they've never met - slash - have some sort of eons old blood feud?
Hehe yes, he mentions the different channels, but there is definitely a Jekyll and Hyde aspect
Him, styropyro and explosions&fire are great channels by young scientists.
Also Sam Zeloof but he stopped posting due to running his own company, and The Thought Emporium, and Hyperspace Pirate.
What a great video. I love that over the course of the video you basically figure out how these things were invented.
What I remember:
They smelled a little like grapes, but they just tasted like a sub-par apple. They were also harder/dense than normal apples, and were expensive.
I’ve had these. They taste fake, because they’re fake.
I remember these. Tried them once and never again. It's a cool gimmick but pricey.
I think I tried one of these once. It truly does taste like both apple and grape at the same time. It would be a great product for parties for sure.
I've always preferred Fujis, then they engineered Cosmic Crisp and those are pretty damn good as well.
Granny Smith's bitterness pairs well with certain cheeses, also.
Well apparently these aren't engineered, but artificially flavored. Kinda disappointing.
Cotton candy grapes and Pineberries are natural cultivars as well. Stewing apples in a vat of grape flavor just isn't appealing to me,, no matter how FDA compliant the process is.
Check out SweeTango apples some time. The crunch and the flavor are both excellent
I'd love to try one once, but I'm not fond of the idea of my apples being doused in flavouring.
Who even comes up with shit like this?
And more importantly? Who buys it?
And more importantly? Who buys it?
Single men trying to impress their single male friends.