I put a Nichia 719A in a C8
Wow, I didn't know Hank had other brands beyond Emisar and Noctigon! How do you like the 719A? 500m is a pretty long throw, that hotspot is tight!
@JazzmanJosh I like the 719A pretty well in this application. I also have one in an S21E, but the B35A is clearly better there. I have yet to try a B35A in a C8 and haven't read about anyone else doing so. It only loses 10% throw in the S21E, but I think it would do worse in the C8.
Good to hear some positive opinions on the 719A, I've heard some rather polarizing information on it. Right now I'm rocking some Hank lights using 519A in various color temps and dome options, and I love them all :)
Portable illumination