Can we rename him to removedbachev
See, being creative is not hard.
Doesn't Yeltsin deserve more hate? I think he did more to end the Soviet Union than Gorbachev. From what I can tell Gorbachev biggest flaw was that he was too naive in his reforms. But he ultimately didn't want to end the Union. But Yeltsin did.
Or am I missing something here?
Nah Gorbachev was an anti-Stalin libshit. Thatcher at the time spoke positively about Gorbachev which is all anyone needs to know. Of course Yeltsin was super awful too but the collapse happened on Gorbachev's watch whereas Yeltsin just threw more salt on the wound that Gorbachev created.
Anime is counter revolutionary, you can't change my mind
Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Established 2022-04-04