Welcome to /c/piracy
No netflix or streaming services landlubbers allowed, this is pirates territory.
Don't know if it's already been posted, but I really enjoy vimm's lair for finding old faves to play (Secret of Mana, anyone?) 🥰
It's too slow in my experience, try edgeemu, for instance. CDromance is pretty fast also, and this place is quite useful too: https://r-roms.github.io/
You're right, it's not the fastest, but it's a great place to browse for random lesser known games, they have just about everything. Cheers!
My first Lemmy post! Has anyone found any good trash TV sources? I've had to resort to streaming sites like soap and the like. Can't stand the stuff myself, but gotta keep the missus happy so I can keep home labbing :D
Flixtor is my favorite
Thanks! Will check that one out. Wish there was an easy way to rip in bulk from these sites :)
Great recommendation. I’ve combined Flixtor with Downie to satisfy my partner’s need for trashy TV romance movies!
Real Debrid is also a game changer
Seriously, setting up streaming with Real Debrid and Kodi add-ons was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I have gotten through a huge chunk of my watch-list since.
Give stremio a try, it works with RD too. I prefer it.
Excellent list! Thank you very much for this! I'd add these ones for general use, i use them to find Movies, TV and Music:
[https://torrentgalaxy.to/] (Torrent Galaxy)
[https://bitsearch.to/] (Bitsearch)
Taking a quick look at TG... rules say nothing about maintaining a ratio. And I can't see anything in my account about it.. its effectively a ratio free public torrent site? Same as TPB and 1337?
Thank you for resources?
Noob question: How would I go about vetting the links/downloads?
Also, how do I safely download from these sites? I've been using a VPN (mullvad) for a couple years now, but is that enough?
I'm pretty tech savvy but I have never needed to download, but I just don't want to install origin, Uplay, EA, or any other launcher to play a single player game and tbh I don't want to support those companies at all
Also, how do I safely download from these sites?
I thought there was a mirror on lemmy for r/piracy's spectacular megathread but I don't see it. Rough guides from a semi-noob:
Direct download:
TOR with Ublock Origin add-on
After downloading your file, upload it to virustotal.com and scan it. If it passes you're probably pretty safe.
Find and copy your file magnet in TOR.
Turn on VPN.
Open qbittorrent with your connection bound to your VPN's network.
Paste your magnet link when it prompts you and download.
Once it's done downloading, upload it to virustotal to scan it.
Why could you not just find the magnet link with VPN on? Just trying to understand why that should be done via TOR
There's controversy over whether VPN + TOR is a good combo. Some say it's an added layer of anonymity, others say it could be decreasing anonymity because your VPN could be logging your traffic. Some also say the two don't mesh well. But honestly the juries out so everyone should probably come to their own conclusion
I’ve just always been of the mindset that pirating is so low on the feds radar that even if a VPN is tracking or even if they’re a honeypot it’s not like the government agencies are going to expose that by coming after some low level pirate. That said I’m not super active anymore and I always look for VPN’s who at least claim to not track.
A VPN will get all the browsing data that could otherwise be collected by an ISP. I feel like the difference is a VPN is a self-selected group of people who are willing to pay for anonymity, which implies both juicier data and more likely to have money. I'd kinda rather not identify myself that way. Especially since it's legally established that you can't identify individuals by IP address (in the US).
TOR is its own debate. It's as secure as the node you're using, and my understanding was a significant proportion of them were controlled by US LEO which kinda compromised the point.
for books, IRC is a very good source. you can use use this guide to download stuff just make sure to use hexchat instead of mIRC. I see you didn't include links for mobile apps, some good ones are, moddedcentral on telegram, mobilism and filecr (also has PC apps), 4pda is also good if you can manage to make an account there 😅
Zamunda is much more than Linux games, it has everything with mostly good seeds
Looking for an NZB tracker w/ Switch roms
Thanks so much for this list!
For torrents, I've also trusted torrentday.com Slsk has always been my go to for music - Nicotine is an amazing app if you use Ubuntu
PDFdrive is an okay website, but it's very weak in regards to finding books, especially because it specializes in PDFs, which are very bad for reading. They're meant for documents, not books. But in general, the books you find there are messy and inconsistent. You're much better off going with a place like libgen.gs.
I wonder if activity pub based tracker would be good (so - part of fediverse)
Torrents 🤢🤢🤢... I'm surprised people still use them without going through I2P.
I've heard bflix has the movie+tv show goodies.
If your looking for a music tracker, the best private tracker for flac files is redacted. they have a huge collection. its a private tracker but its pretty easy to get on as long as you care about music.
Not sure I'd say RED is easy to get into... and its definitely not for newbies to private trackers. I'd suggest Orpheus as being easier to get into, more welcoming to newbies... and easier to maintain ratio.
Companies deliberately keep their stuff extremely expensive and backdoor these pirated stuff to backdoor your devices legally! Switch to libre stuff!
lmao moron