I'm not sure what kind of spider it is but it appears to be carrying around a bunch of eggs on its back
Maybe a wolf spider?
I'm not sure what kind of spider it is but it appears to be carrying around a bunch of eggs on its back
Maybe a wolf spider?
Oh! I thought it might be eggs on the back that make it look so bumpy
and I just looked up wolf spiders, turns out their numbers have recently increased around here, so it might very well be one! Just thought the legs seemed a little too thin compared to the images I saw online
Looks like it's carrying its babies on its back. That's probably a wolf spider mom
Judging by all those babies on her back, that's probably a wolf spider just trying to make it as a single mom. They are harmless in case you didn't know.
awesome! Just found that the Zoropsis spinimana seem to have increased in numbers a lot here recently, and as I understand it they are some type of wolf spiders? So I think it might be one of those. Really cool to know, thanks!