Guys, its a joke, a meme. Some guy makes these fake notices like the woman who sweats on your couch, maggots appear and you are supposed to eat them to heal yourself.
The average c/WTF enjoyer
amazon spent a lot of money on trying to do this and then found out the technology doesn't exist and outsourced it to india
But that’s not a bowl. It’s more like a box. No, it’s ok. I’ll get on the call at 10pm.
If lemmites didn't have the social skills of a mosquito at a funeral they might be able to pick up on the INCREDIBLY subtle joke here.
Man, everybody is so upset at this, it makes it even funnier.
Welcome to Lemmy!
I was about to say this had obvious plant vibes lol
Thats a meme and its funny. Its literally satirical criticism of governments putting "ai" cameras everywhere.
Wow, I absolutely detest people like this. How sad and pathetic does your life have to be to be doing something like this. Why can't people just be normal???! Imagine if everyone went around spreading misinformation like that guy. Plums are not berries, people! Don't let big berry claim this juicy deliciousness as their own!!!
Strawberries aren't berries either.
At what point do we say that science is wrong about berries
You can’t look at me with a straight face and say a banana is a berry.
Look at the whole fruit bundle before they break it apart for shipping. You can't tell me it's NOT a berry.
Just gotta accept that we have Berry[culinary] and Berry[botanical] and these variants are unstated and must be inferred from context.
Speaking of juicy imagine the shits you would have after eating 27 fucking plums
27 plums a month will not have a noticeable effect on your bowel movements.
Imagine thinking plumbs are berries...
This is basically the algorithms of the big tech companies but with extra steps. I guess it greatly illustrates how absurd they actually are and how weird it is to just shrug them off.
The best part? Nobody can agree if advertising ala commercials actually works.
"Nobody can agree"?
Is this kind of like how nobody can agree on whether we landed on the moon or whether climate change is real?
Anecdotal, but I've boycotted products or stores because of annoying ads in the past. And even clever or entertaining ads eventually get annoying if they are shown too much.
I block most ads these days, so longer contribute to the negative ad returns like I used to, but I am curious about how many others like me are out there.
My spouse is like that; they're so anti-advertising that they'll close their mobile games once the ad. appears and re-open the game, just to not watch it.
And they're definitely the type to stop buying from a company because the ad.s were annoying.
Same landlord: follow me on my socials to know more about how your average poop size and weight compares to your neighbours.
I could DESTROY that competition.
Too bad he ain’t on Lemmy. But thanks for the source.
Indeed, just edited in a warning :)
Someone who has an IG account, consider commenting to encourage fediversing up!
Fuck yeah, come join us! Meta sucks!
"nah, we don't need privacy laws"
"Definitely safe everything's okay rectangular shelf with latex paint bowl."
Meh. It's a bit less creepy than any website that tracks you, but in this case you get to see the results. Plus: free berries are nice.
Fake - if this was real there would be a category 'most times pooped in the box'.
I bet Omar isn't even trying. He could easily eat another 27 plums no problem.
Dave, if you aren't in the top ten next month I will raise your rent.
Fuckin freak behavior, what a fuckin creep
It's okay the law says I'm allowed to do this.
-person who all laws cater to
That last sentence would freak me out. It takes it from maybe thats just a weird and eccentric landlord to CREEP ALARM!!!
But this is fake, right?
Yea, according to another comment here, it’s a joke.
Omar - that is a lot of plums
Weak strawberry game
Omar has the right idea taking the plums.
This landlord is ready for harvest…
Ya, not a little creepy or weird. Sure thing