I need more info. What age women? Stat source?
Relationship Memes
!relationshipmemes@lemmyis.fun is the place for relationship memes. Whether you're loved up or single, showing off or sulking, all your relationship memes are welcome here where it's actually all quite wholesome. We actually think the more sickly-romantic the better here ๐ Have fun all!
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Makeup? Y'all don't want a dude that likes to look good?
How is weed so low? I get it's not literally everyone's cup of tea but I'm my experience more people partake or are ok with it than not.
I guess it's like drinking, I don't think the casual drinking is an issue but if you start calling it your hobby it becomes more problematic.
It's mostly the "hobby" bit, which implies that this is one of your favorite, regular free-time activities. If you are someone who smokes weed a few times a year in social situations, that is a different situation.
A lot of people would find it difficult to be around someone who spends their time smoking unless they are really into it too. The smell especially can be really grating/annoying, and the person smoking often doesn't realize because they have become smell-blind over time (similar to tobacco smokers).
Hang on, the real story here is more than 3 in 100 find Manosphere attractive
What the actual fuck is that?
So I gather this not about the hobbies themselves being attractive but about what's attractive for a partner to have as a hobby, or even specifically a male partner? What was the question exactly?
New tinder profile: I'm a traveling blacksmith archer hiking today in your town. I'd love to cook you dinner and serve it on the portable table I handcrafted. I'd probably cook something from my own recipe book, hope you don't mind.
Meanwhile pornhub is >30% women, but only 10% ticked the 'porn' box???
Like, pornography is a hobby?
I feel like hobbies and activities are being used interchangeably here. Both take time away from your girl, but some are ones you can enjoy together.
I do a lot of the top attractive hobbies and my wife is hot af.
I am one of the 10% of women who find having a porn hobby attractive
Archery and Blacksmithing seem cool, but like quite a small niche
yeah perhaps this survey was taken at the Ren fair.
The most interesting bit here is the relative positions of the unattractive stuff.
Some of it I would have guessed, some not so much.
Anime: 27.4%
Fuck, at least I like hiking I guess.
I have every hobby, so I'm average