This would benefit from error bars for the estimates.
What on earth does this mean? I'm not a world-class expert in mathology but I've never seen this kind of relative comparison before.
It's time that somebody clears up with that mess, seriously.
Astrology I think works better when they focus less on predicting people's characteristics than looking at people's patterns in their life. If Saturn is returning to your "insert astrology term here" that means 29 years have happened which means great changes which is pretty typical for humans. People go through big changes at their late 20s and late 50s / early 60s. Since the stars goes through regular patterns and using this a time based guide a lot can be understood about human nature. This is a lot of astrology but the patterns at birth is more popular or at least the most commonly understood portion of it.
I'm pretty sure that last one was a Derren Brown bit on one if his TV shows.
It's all bollocks, but if this sort of thing helps you through the day then you do you.
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