When do we start getting the stable weather? Is it after Daylight Saving starts? I'm tired of the wind and random rain
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
I would have said January 😆. Four seasons in one day is kinda par for the course in spring.
C'mon climate change do us at least one favour and make Spring nicer or something
I'm afraid climate change makes things more haphazard, not less 🙁
Well I survived the redundancies but some good work friends haven’t. I’m going to be seriously f’d off if the company is cruel enough to let them go this side of Christmas.
I hope you don't take it too hard. Often the people who keep their jobs feel much worse than the ones who lost theirs, as a sort of survivor's guilt.
I also wouldn't be surprised if they let the people go sooner rather than later. Hopefully they get a good redundancy package.
Thanks that’s actually useful to know. Been through a lot of restructures, and obviously there’s a lot of turnover during those times, but people have always left on their own terms.
This is a new one for me.
We got underway and did a 3 night passage to head up to the Annapolis boat show. Weather made us tuck in before cape Hatteras though so we have been exploring North Carolina. I guess Blackbeard’s ship wrecked at the inlet here so they are still pulling up artefacts from it and you can see them at the local museum. Pretty cool. Back to sea tomorrow!
What sort of vessel are you travelling in?
An Amel Super Maramu 53ft ketch
Awesome, sounds like you guys are having a great time!
Someone's loaned me a mountain bike, I've been out after work a few times this week. I'm saving up to buy my own one soon.
Also, I'll be helping with the south coast cleanup tomorrow, cleaning up Taputearanga island with the Wellington sea kayak network.
Awesome! That looks like hard work!
My legs hurt. Amazing scenery though.
I bet they do, and I bet it was! Looks like quite a climb!
Really pelting it down in Auckland right now 🙃
Huh, some more crazy weather: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/529703/weather-heavy-rain-warnings-thunderstorms-snow-wind-forecast
Drinking a whole teapot of green tea before bed last night wasn’t a great idea, I couldn’t get to sleep until around 1am