But isn't that then the problem solved? They can't pass the exam if they don't study, I don't see why ChatGPT changes this.
You block the communities you don't want to see.
In maths, we have calculators, including ones that break down every step for you. Things like wolfram alpha have been around for what must be decades now.
How did we solve the problem for maths?
Wait, so you get a 4 day week but everyone else has to do 5 days so you can go to your appointments?
1% is still way too high. Reddit has perhaps a couple of hundred million monthly active users. Lemmy has about 45 thousand monthly active users.
I don't think EV chargers need amenities, I think we need to put the chargers in the places people are going anyway.
So any alien race that can travel here could also drone strike earth and kill us all before we even saw it coming.
In fact, this makes it a prudent move to pre-emptively kill any civilization you notice, cause you can't ever know if they would do it to you, before it's too late.
This is basically dark forest theory.
For the wiki option, perhaps the wiki is just where the posts are made then you share the link in a chat app or something. Then the reactions could be in the chat app?
Or for the HumHub or Zusam options, maybe you could add the reactions/gifycat integration. The platforms seem like they would work well with them if someone would just contribute that functionality.
The Steam page just says Windows. ProtonDB has no reports.
However, there is a demo, so maybe someone can try it.
Oh wow, this is really important context. That 79% figure is almost worthless
TL;DR, the article says obesity rates and sugar account for a lot but not all of the increase so there is probably something else as well. Some suggestions from the article: artificial light, sleep-patterns, changes in biological clock as a result. Microplastics, especially for colorectal cancer. Ultra processed foods. Increased usage of antibiotics.
Obesity and sugar are presented as known cancer causes while the others are proposed or suggested by experts in the article but nothing to back it up yet, further research needed.
So you read the posts that you don't want to see?