Sure storing food there would be...problematic.
But you don't find the prospect of a cold beer within reach while having a shower or taking a shit appealing?
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Sure storing food there would be...problematic.
But you don't find the prospect of a cold beer within reach while having a shower or taking a shit appealing?
Problematic for me, man.
Suddenly every shit is a beershit.
It's for the kidneys
Couldn't it also be a drying cabinet?
I like the way you think, also, that thing is enough for the whole family to have showerbeers, or they live really remote and need 3 months supplies.
I think that might be one of those fancy steam appliances to steam/press clothes, especially with it being next to the washing machine. I've seen them around Costco.
Pretty sure this is one of those fancy dry cleaning/steam cabinet things.
It's probably a steam closet
Probably a skincare addict storing their simple 500-step routine at exactly the right temperature
Is this that much weirder than the widespread British practice of putting washing machines in kitchens?
Yes, putting an electrical appliance in the bathroom is weirder than putting an appliance that requires both power and plumbing in the room that always has both power and plumbing.
Where else would you put it? Might as well just place it next to all the other appliances. We do it in Germany too, pretty sure it's just a European thing.
At least in Finland the washing machine (for washing clothes) is usually in the bathroom/shower room, like in the photo in this post.
Finns also have saunas in their home, which is awesome but not really standard anywhere else.
Never seen a wasing machine outside a bathroom or a washing room if your house is big enough here in sweden
"Big enough house" doing a lot of work here :)
Not that it's a bad thing, I think anyone would like having a wash room if given the space. Still better having a washing machine in the kitchen than going to the landromat down the street.
I think in the US we typically prefer for them to be out of sight. Houses here often have a small laundry room specifically for the washer and dryer. Barring that, they are usually tucked away in a closet (apartments or smaller houses) or in the garage or basement.
I wonder if this is one of those things the US benefits from having most of our homes built after indoor plumbing. A not insignificant portion of European homes were built before prolific indoor plumbing, no? So when homes were retrofitted for plumbing, it made sense it keep it all located in one place and then it became the style for all homes.
My family/me (in and around berlin):
Me: WM in the kitchen
Parents: WM in the bathroom
Brother: WM in a little nook on the corridor(? Flurnische)
Another Brother: WM in the basement (benefits of a house)
Kinda have to, if the building is older than widespread home washing machines.
The houses I grew up in were both Victorian so bathrooms were built in only the 80's or sometime like that, so they were on the ground floor and quite large. Both had the washing machines in the bathroom and not the kitchen due to this. The bathroom acts as part utility room.
More modern places I've lived lack any form of utility rooms. In my current flat the washing machine is in the kitchen, there isn't plumbing and space anywhere else for it.
I'm in the USA in a house built pre-1900s. Our washing machine is in a nook off the kitchen (as in the same room, but in the corner). Growing up our washing machine was in the bathroom. From a plumbing standpoint it makes a lot of sense to have the washing machine in the same area as other plumbing.
We have to. Have you seen the size of flats over here?
It's not exclusive to Britain, unfortunately
The height of that shower head hurts my soul.
He's a pretty tall dude
No, it's a freezer, that's where we keep grandma, duh.
If there is not enough space in the rest of the house and this is the only place where it fits, well, that's it then.
I would do about everything to avoid that, primarily because of the hygienic aspects but also because of the above average air humidity in a bathroom.
The sellers are Mr and Mrs Poopensnak.
Sorry everyone but you're all missing the obvious. You see that APPARENTLY there's no WC in the bathroom? Well there you go. When you're done, close the door, and it's nicely mimetized as a drying cabinet 😎
You can always pee in the sink 😬
Creative solutions to natural problems 😎
Ice cream in the bathtub? Sign me up
That's a sperm bank. Where else would you beat one off, in the kitchen? 😂
Beer fridge?
How else am I supposed to wash my carrots in bulk?
Almost certainly a freezer. My mom had one in my old room since it didn't fit into the kitchen. no, this is just our ... hyperbaric chamber, yes. For eternal youth. Have you seen the hallway? It's exquisite!
Nah, that's a broken refrigerator now used to store towels and things.
What’s that thing on top of it? A weight and a chain to secure it to the wall?
A radio, innit?
100% a radio. lol
This thread makes me feel like an alien, or the others are all aliens pretending to be human.
Maybe it's for freezing the clothes after cleaning them in the washing machine to make sure they stay fresh and don't go bad. Either that or freeze-drying.