Pick your first question carefully. You'll probably only get one, and that's only if the questions aren't vetted in advance.
You might be allowed to ask two if the first is sufficiently innocent enough that they can't tell you have an agenda.
Buttcoin is the future of online butts. Buttcoin is a peer-to-peer butt. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new butts or tracks butts.
A community for hurling ordure at cryptocurrency/blockchain dweebs of all sorts. We are only here for debate as long as it amuses us. Meme stocks are also on topic.
Pick your first question carefully. You'll probably only get one, and that's only if the questions aren't vetted in advance.
You might be allowed to ask two if the first is sufficiently innocent enough that they can't tell you have an agenda.
What specific benefits does society get that offset or are net positives considering the dramatically outsized energy used by cryptocurrencies?
Not interested in fiat currencies or reducing energy use. Only provable net benefits
Maybe get them to fight by suggesting the involvement of a bank implies the crypto is becoming centralised and defeating its own purpose? The depth of my buttcoin knowledge is lacking so there might be a better wedge to use.
how are they sure that they won't touch crypto used by iranian/russian sanction evaders (this might or might not violate sanctions)
the glib answer is "oh we subscribe to Elliptic" or some other blockchain monitoring service
hey, how'd this go? love to hear how it went!
I made the "what happens with the child porn stored in the blockchain" question and the guy didn't know what I was talking about. I'm waiting for the video to go up live to contact some of the people financing this and ask them if they're comfortable with that.
Hell yeah. Got a chuckle out of me, thank you for your service! o7