I'm just gonna post any findings I do notice as a comment as not to mislead in the original post.
So the one thing I see a lot of skeptic accounts mention is "blood clots" and heart/circulatory issues following vaccination, which the study mentioned in this article directly addresses. From what I can tell from this analysis, however, is that: yes the risk of "thrombo-embolic events" does increase post-vaccine,but only if you were already suffering or at risk of atrial fibrillation/flutter. Furthermore, this increased risk was only if at-risk patients weren't given anti-coagulant medications post-vaccine.
The IRR across the whole population was 0.93 (Which I'm taking to mean more-or-less no difference in risk?) whereas for the untreated, at-risk group was 1.88.
So personally I don't think these articles are as helpful because it has more opinion to it, but then I'm still personally too layman to understand the source material either. Then again, I'm only mentioning it here because Salon has some actual journalistic integrity from what I gather, unlike the Daily Mail.
This one covers claims of myocarditis and Guillian-barre syndrome, and points out that these "side effects" are also present in... getting COVID. I'm well aware that COVID and long-COVID are strongly linked to heart/circulation issues so it also makes sense if the vaccine had these rare side effects - no different to getting a snotty nose and a headache after a flu shot.
This link is one of the papers mentioned in the Salon article, about the risk of myocarditis being 7 times more likely from COVID infections over vaccination. Honestly this is more helpful for me to digest; It's good enough to look at "X times in Y doses, Z sometimes happens" but that isn't the dice roll I'm making - the game of chance is what side effects of infection am I risking that would be avoided/mitigated by vaccination which might be a good in-road with my FIL.