Ugh. The longer we can keep Conservatives from power, the better.
Unless I'm missing something?
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Ugh. The longer we can keep Conservatives from power, the better.
Unless I'm missing something?
I think Singh is aware of that, but the longer he stalls the worse it will make him look. Maybe this is damage control for the very likely Conservative win and to get some Liberal voters to go for NDP? Just guessing.
This is entirely a large factor. The NDP is now viable in former Liberal ridings such as Toronto—St. Paul's, LaSalle–Émard–Verdun, and Ottawa-Centre. Why would the NDP keep propping the Liberals up in power when a Conservative majority is essentially guaranteed (and that's not going to change in 10 months), and they have a chance to exploit Liberal weaknesses? People that want to stall the inevitable are deluding themselves if they think things will massively turn around in the span of half a year when so many Canadians have lost confidence in the governing party.
That's understandable - JT's got the opposite of the Midas touch right now.
That’s called the Merdes touch….
Well it had to happen somtime. We're overdue for an election anyway. It's a minority government that nobody expected to last this long. Being the one to bring it down sets up some opportunities for the NDP to keep its name in the news headlines over the next month before the campaign officially begins.
Yeah, true, true. The current polling leaves me with a bad feeling though. But I guess we did all know this was inevitable eventually. The next decade is going to be fun