The 2022 Japanese horror Kisaragi Station from director Jirô Nagae is getting a sequel titled Kisaragi Station Re:, according to Yahoo! Japan.
Kisaragi Station is based on a real life urban legend surrounding a mysterious, non-existent train station which first appeared on message board 2chan back in 2004. The post allegedly came from a woman named Hasumi, who found herself stuck in a parallel universe after disembarking at a train station in the Hamamatsu Region that didn't appear on any maps.
In the first film, Yuri Tsunematsu starred as a a young woman studying folklore at university, who decides the subject of her graduation thesis will be on the legendary Kisaragi Station.
Nozomi Honda will star in the sequel, which is set three years after Kisaragi Station.
Kisaragi Station Re: is set to hit Japanese theaters this spring.