As much as I loved the first episode I hated the second. The fourth wall breaking was fine once, maybe twice, then horribly annoying. None of the “comedy” landed for me, especially when it all derives from the girl desperately trying to escape from a cage with everyone around her seeming working against her. Hopefully the next episode will be better.
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It passed through my mind at one point that unless the prince is even more clueless than he seems, he is one cruel bastard. "I won't let anyone but you be the mother of my heirs . . . so you have to marry me or else you might cause a civil war." That is entrapment, and absolutely Not Funny. I could tolerate the stage-play-like exposition, but the repetition of the flashback footage from the ball was beyond tedious. If this doesn't improve a lot in the next episode, I may be dropping it.
So clingy… stay strong, Lettie, you can get out of this! The joy of a broke girl doesn’t last long—Lettie really thought she was free from that awful engagement, huh?
The turn-to-the-camera style narration felt extremely weird in anime form, and the prince seems a little bit too scheming to be an endearing romantic lead. It feels like we're meant to laugh at the main character for being trapped in this situation, which I think would work a lot better if she were a worse person - like if she clearly wanted to keep all the power and luxuries of nobility while escaping the social demands and political responsibilities. I'll give this one more episode, but I'm not terribly hopeful, since it's currently fumbling both the romantic and the comedy parts of being a romantic comedy.