Unfortunately not surprising, considering:
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Unfortunately not surprising, considering:
~~Prime is continuing work on Good Omens season three,~~
The above turns out to be false, apologies : I should have checked. The kickstarter for the comic adaptation is what this was about.
Gaiman is just not getting any money out of it anymore, and some specific crowdfunding perks will be replaced, according to the Pratchett Estate. That’s a great way to fix imho. Also, if ever Gaiman turns out innocent (which is unlikely but possible), he can be fairly paid afterwards.
How is he not getting any money out of that? Does he not own part of the rights to it?
I see I got I sent wrong info on this and didn’t check, I’ll edit my comment. It was about the kickstarter for the comic: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/58746/neil-gaiman-no-longer-affiliated-good-omens-graphic-novel
Wasn't this already announced like months ago?
Yeah old news, but Gaimen is trending and the MeToo angle gets clicks
Looking forward to this regardless of what is or is not going on with allegations. Great comic and TV series and I hope season 2 honors the legacy. I enjoyed season 1 a lot.