Not to be confused with Dead Space or Dead Space.
B Movie Bonanza
A place for lovers of B movies to come together and talk about them.
- Be most excellent to one another. (Don't be a jerk)
- Try not to repost movies that have already been posted. (If it has been over 12 months feel free to repost)
- If posting links for people to watch the movies let them be legal ones. (Free is best but not when it's shady, you dig?)
- Have fun and enjoy all the awesomeness that B movies can bring you.
I was about to ask...
But Roger Corman produced Forbidden World? Which actually isn’t atrocious, and has smoking hot naked female leads, if you’re into that sort of thing, and shame on you if you are.
Oh man, watched this a few weeks ago. So, I’m a huge Beastmaster fan (was my #1 childhood film) and Cranston is impeccable always, but….
I’ll give this movie one compliment, it was like 75 minutes long.
Definitely an artifact of its time.
A Roger Corman-produced remake of Forbidden World (1982) starring Marc Singer (The Beast master) and Bryan Cranston.
This movie felt very much like the writer saw Alien a few weeks before writing the script and thought "Yeah, I could do that"
Marc Singer and Bryan Cranston, count me in.