This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/browsers by /u/casjquz on 2023-09-01 18:44:43.
I ran the Speedometer 2.1 and the Jetstream 2.1 tests from
Before running I fully quit every app to make sure it's a clean session utilizing the full potential of my machine and no other tabs running, also full screen enabled.
I ran them on a Macbook Air M1 base model. Some basic opensource extensions were installed in the browsers (password managers, adblocking, translation)
- 295 +- 18
- 239 +- 11
- 190 +- 17
- 277
Librewolf (Firefox Fork)
- 231 +- 7.9
- 234 +- 6.6
- 235 +- 6.8
- 173
- 214 +- 41
- 148 +- 9.7
- 116 +- 19
- 211
Brave has this very weird behavior... the Speedometer test slows down everytime I run it, and after 3 runs it crashes the webpage.
Librewolf (Firefox Fork) is the most stable out of the three by far.. but also the slowest in Jetstream performance and the famous saying goes that some websites are not optimized or don't agree well with the Gecko engine.
Safari I guess the only benefit it has is the tight integration in the ecosystem (iCloud tabs, iCloud keychain, AirDrop and how efficient it is in resource management), but lacks way behind in performance and possibly has the same issues as Firefox regarding optimization and rendering.
After enabling WebGL and disabling resist.Fingerprinting in Librewolf to not break websites, I found Brave to be the most privacy friendly browser. Safari even with AdGuard is way behind the other two.
After removing all the crap that comes with Brave out of the box, and enabling vertical tabs I think it's best UI currently available. Firefox has potential due to how customizable it is but I tried the latest release of Floorp and found it buggy (even the basic implementation of vertical tabs).
I'll stick to Brave until Firefox performance and optimization improves..