Image Transcription: Text and Image
[An interconnected diagram with six cloud-shaped bubbles with text and images of the reddit mascot snoo in them are shown. There are lines going between them connecting all of the bubbles to one another in the approximate shape of the fediverse pentagram logo. The top left bubble says "r/aww" and has two images of the reddit mascot. The upper middle bubble has the text "r/gaming" and "r/Music" with one image of the mascot. The top right bubble says "r/funny" with one mascot, the lower left says "r/Pics" and "r/science" with one mascot, the lower right says "r/art" and "r/ask science" with two mascots, and the bottom centre bubble has the words "r/space" and r/videos" with one reddit mascot. The Lemmy logo, a black and white cartoon mouse head, sits in the bottom left corner of the image. Below the web of connected bubbles, there are three small cartoon drawings of people standing next to each other, with the text "Lemmy devs" beside them, and a large purple speech bubble above them that reads as follows]
We donated Lemmy to the world, we can't control what people do with it.
^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^