Howdy, Beeple! Weāve got some important updates to share about the reliability of our platform. We know how crucial it is for our site to be up and running when you need it most, so we want to keep you in the loop about our uptime goals.
Letās keep it simple: uptime means the amount of time our site is available for you to enjoy. Weāre buzzing with excitement to let you know that weāre committed to achieving a monthly uptime of 90% or more. That means our hive will be accessible to you at least 27 days a month.
Now, we donāt want to get your hopes up too high, so we wonāt make any wild promises. In fact, our admin team estimates an even better uptime than 90%, but letās be realistic and not sting ourselves with overpromising. Our mid-term goal within the next weeks is to reach a promise-able uptime of 95% ā like having a beehive humming smoothly!
Currently weāre not planning on expanding the server capacity any more, since weāre waiting for some specific improvements within the Lemmy code and want to scale horizontally (multiple servers) more so than vertically (bigger server).
But thatās not all, folks! Our long-term goal is to achieve an uptime of over 99%, so you can count on our site being as reliable as a well-organized colony. Weāre on a mission to create a buzzing social media experience for you, one that keeps you connected without any pesky interruptions.
Please be patient as we work our wings off to improve the stability and performance of our site. Your support means the world to us, and weāre committed to making our platform as reliable as a worker bee.
Thank you for being part of our busy bee community! If you have any questions or concerns, donāt hesitate to reach out. Weāre here to help you navigate through the hive and keep the honey flowing!
With warm buzzes, Your Beehaw Hive Administrators