Posted my full thoughts in the c/onednd thread. Overall I think it looks better than I was expecting, though I'm sure the internet will find everything deeply problematic with it quickly enough. I think Monks really could have used a prior pass, they're the main one I'm not sold on right now.
D&D Next - 5e Discussion
A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons & Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.
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Wow so at level 1 bard chooses a spell list and gets the entire list, and at level 10 the bard can pick from all three spell lists. Wild buff.
The bard can use the primal spell list? Oww, I'd like to play that bard.
It's actually a throwback to the Original 1e bard that had the druid spell list back in the Olden Times.
Yeah...there's no way this goes live.
...I hope.
Some of the bard stuff is just bonkers.
After thinking about it, I feel like there could be a nugget of good design in this idea. Obviously the RAW in this UA is simply too much, but if a limiter of some sort is put back on the bard I think there could be something interesting.
For example, if the bard's spell selection was limited to certain schools again. Or maybe if they returned to a spells-known caster. Even then, having access to all three lists at lvl 10 I think would need even further limitations. I'm much more approving of a 'magical secrets' feature more like the current base game, that only came at specific levels, only granted one spell, and was a permanent selection.
I just miss spontaneous casting, rather than all classes being prepared casters... T_T