I was mad at the previous UA, it was a nerf with nothing in return, and an extreme focus on wildshape.
Balancing Moon is fine.
The bard seems overpowerd, choose any spell list on first level?
I'm all in for a primal bard.
Moonbeam is a great match for wildshape, I love it.
On balance: The switch to a calculated temp HP makes balancing much easier, but I have no idea where this moon druid is compared to the old one.
The bard can use the primal spell list? Oww, I'd like to play that bard.
Circle of the moon: There is Temp HP, I'll let someone else do the calculations.
Circle of the land: Circle Spells now lets you pick a different land type each day.
I might actually play it, it's a nice way for beginners to explore different spells. And you can fireball!
The base druid is slightly buffed, but no flavor has changed. A small nerf on wildshape but that's utility anyway for a base druid.
I have not looked at subclasses yet.
Edit: I refuse to use reddit for dnd, it's hard!
Still reading it, focussing on the Druid, because that's what I have played the most.
Druidic now also makes sure you always have Speak with Animals prepared.
Great, that's a change "nobody?" can get mad at. I call it the "druid tax", and have it prepared on all my druids.
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I like the idea of the bastion system.
But when I think about my game. It's time that could be spent playing rp&combat together. And if we spend gametime on bastions it should be a group activity, not x solo turns.