Important Images
Look at these
I Do Not Like It
Eye do not like it
I Like This =)
What a horrible day to have eyes.
This is how super pink eye is spread.
Ideally, one of these would be an anus.
The 'ol stink eye pink eye conjunction.
Thanks, I hate it.
New fear unlocked :|
As someone that has feared touching my eye for 30 years but recently managed to overcome the fear in order to wear contact lenses. This photo is fucking horrible...
I've seen some fucking horrible images in my time but I really can't spend more than 2 seconds looking at this one.
i've just gained mine
This is so bad.
You've also overcome your fear of eyelashes, I see.
I assume they are interlocked like fingers when holding hands with your beloved.
Yeah the actual eye contact probably wouldn't physically feel like much of anything. Any contact with the lashes or external lids would be extremely uncomfortable.
Not the post I wanted to see after just finishing "Evil Dead Rise."
Ohh. No thank you.
I just want to slide a business card right between there
You want a paper cut?!? Because that’s how you get a paper cut!
Na. DIY Lasik