There are alternatives:
MMT looks like it could be substituted, directly. Still nasty, but small usage, and removing lead & cadmium from our ecology should be high priority.
And, of course, replacing avgas engines with diesels would do it, as they can run on Jet-A or whatever.
This is all no-brainer territory.
The established aviation-engine manufacturers won't develop diesels,
& the upstarts keep going broke...
the LiquidPiston X-Engine is the brilliantest aviation engine I've ever considered, turning a Wankel rotary inside-out,
and the Astron Omega is .. insane ( I couldn't understand how the hell ANYBODY could even think of that ..
.. then I found out the inventor wasn't a piston-engines guy, he was a turbine-engines guy...
.. which explains it! )
I'd expect the IQ & life-potential of lives who grew-up near avgas-centric ( little ) airports to be damaged, consistently, by the lead.