If you're playing with M+KB, the only real solution (aside from a mod or something) would be to just press the number assigned to your sword?
Is the katana in the third weapon slot? I remember experimenting with using multiple melee items before, and I seem to recall there being some weird behavior depending on which slot the weapons were in, and I think it was most consistent with the katana in the last slot for me. Also on PS5.
It won’t work no matter what slot it’s in. I’ve tried
• Knife, knife, katana
• Katana, knife, knife
• Knife, katana, knife
No matter the combo- once the 2nd knife is thrown, I have to manually swap to the katana. If however, I remove a knife- it’ll swap flawlessly. But again- I now have to pass through the fists before I get to them.
This makes fast action in combat suck because of the juggling involved.
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