I'm guessing your bench press seems to have the most potential for growth. I think working on that first might give you the most bang for your buck.
Just work on them all and get strong in all of them. Having specific numbers to target isn't going to get you as strong as just trying to do as good in each exercise as you can
It differs for everyone since some people are just naturally better at certain movements, but I think 250 lb bench, 350 lb squat, 400 lb deadlift is pretty common.
Your bench press is way behind your Squat/Deadlift. My dumbbell bench press is higher than yours, but I'm not even close to a 120 kg barbell bench. That'd be the easiest of your lifts to progress, but getting it all the way up to 120 kg would take a lot of time.
If you were able to do the same weight, reps, and sets on incline bench as you were on flat bench, you can probably increase the weight you're using for flat bench.
Is there any way to work out what numbers I should be aiming for for each exercise?
I am a noob but I've heard of Strength Level which shows you the average numbers someone your age & size can do