[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago

$699 sounds like a great price!

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Feasible in cities and large towns (if they have a reliable public transport infrastructure), not really feasible anywhere else.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

I know I'm being pedantic but murder requires intent, it seems that the majority of these cases are manslaughter, still illegal though and just as sad.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm not convinced that the Tories downfall were their right wing policies, most people are thinking of partygate, Lizz Trusses disaster budget and the cost of living crisis in the ballot box.

I personally think that labour would have won whether they were trying to court centrists or not and labours biggest risk is that the the Tories will mop up the reform vote.

This election shows that the Tories still have a HUGE core vote, these are people that will never vote labour and I think chasing reform voters is a fools errand because it's likely they'll never vote labour either.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

I've personally not met anyone that voted Reform for who immigration wasn't their top priority.

I know they're not a single issue party unless you consider "the Tories aren't right wing enough" as a single issue.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Love to see it.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This is clearly a great result, but I think that given the popular vote, that it's important to accept that this election was anti-tory, not pro-labour.

Labour have five years to make a substantial tangible change in people's lives or we may very well find ourselves back where we left off or even worse.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This isn't an open and shut case. People were pissed off with the Tories, but Tory voters have not switched to Labour, many of them have switched to a party even further to the right, reform, and that is the electorate that the Tories are now going to be chasing for the next election.

This vote wasn't anti-rightwing, it was simply anti-tory and the chance that the next election will yield a party even further to the right of the previous government is considerable.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

I think saying that the island is covered in transphobes is doing the UK a huge disservice. I'm absolutely not saying things are perfect here and of course there are a few absolute knob heads, but the UK is one of the most accepting countries in the world and the diversity of the UK shows that.

Don't let a few bigots paint a picture of the whole country.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

We need to keep in mind that this was an anti-tory vote, not a pro-labour one. This is shown by labour only increasing their vote share by 1.6% when compared with the previous election.

Labour need to ensure that they've made positive changes that the average person can feel by the time the next election comes around because you can guarantee that the Tories are already planning on how they're going to mop up the reform voters.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Same but there was also an equally sized labour surge that kept the SNP out.

Labour absolutely need to accept that this was a vote against the Tories and that they'll really need to make some positive changes that the average person can feel if they want to win the next election.

The Tories will not be chasing the labour electorate, they will be chasing reform's. If they can mop up the right vote they will be straight back in to power.

[-] 13esq@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Reform has 14% of the popular vote. The Tories will be chasing that.

submitted 1 month ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

It's already well known at work that I don't just not like gore videos but that I hate them and actively avoid them.

A colleague sent me a video of a man being murdered by axe via WhatsApp to my personal phone on my lunch break. Before I opened it I asked if it was a video that I would want to see (because I know what sort of character he is), he implied it was fine.

Despite my suspicion I took his word and watched it. I immediately scolded him, he then made light of the situation, I told him that it wasn't funny and that if it ever happened again I would be making a formal complaint immediately.

A couple of minutes later, another colleague came in to the mess room, the guy that sent the video made fun of me for not liking the video in front of them. I told him that he was making fun of me and that I wasn't ok with that.

Do I have the right to not be sent murder videos? What would an employer do if I made a complaint?

submitted 2 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/leftymusic@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/leftymusic@lemmy.world

Watching this video (probably 15 years ago) was the moment I realised I was left wing.

submitted 2 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk
submitted 3 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/chess@lemmy.ml

It wasn't a very long game but I had 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes and 0 blunders!

The London is the first opening I've learnt, I've been practicing it for a while now and I'm feeling like I'm getting good at it.

Maybe it's time to learn another opening. Any suggestions?

submitted 3 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/babymetal@lemmy.world

Hi All,

I accidentally ordered a double of this album, I'll send it to to one of you guys free of charge if you're willing to DM me your address (only willing to post to UK addresses).

First come first serve!

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world


I already have a good tool kit, drill, needle files etc, so I'm mainly looking for a kit that doesn't needlessly double up on tools that I already have but I'm here for your advice so I'll look at anything you recommend.

Ideally the kit would have enough bits and pieces that I could store it and keep it for future punctures also, but I could just order a multiple of single use kits if that is what you'd recommend.

Please let me know! Thanks.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/aitah@lemmy.world

Hi All,

I have a savings account for purpose of which is to save up for "new teeth". My own teeth are all rammed full of fillings, the bottom row are not straight to say the least and two on the top row have irremovable stains and one needs a root canal. I hate my teeth so I would like a much more permanent solution to all my problems, I've also always had confidence issues about my smile. (I didn't look after my teeth well when I was young, but that's another story)

My aim is to save for all on four or all on six permanent dentures type thing. As a route to get decent looking teeth with no pain or infection problems. I have a savings account which I put in to every month to save for this and I think it will take another three or four years until I can afford them.

Last night, my girlfriend of about two years who is currently moving in asked how much I had saved in it. We are a little tight on money right now, I work full-time but she has been struggling to get more than 9 hours a week that she has to travel quite far for. I took her question as a bit of a threat quite frankly, that if she knew that I had a fair amount saved, then I might seem like a tight arse for not being more generous with money situations. She does know that I hate my teeth and that I want to save to get them fixed.

I said "none of your business" and I do now regret the tone that I used.

The next morning she was in tears saying things like she couldn't understand why I would keep a secret like that.

I have expressed to her that I regret seeming quite abrasive about what was possibly a fully innocent question on her part and explained that I thought personal savings were a private matter. I wouldn't ask her how much her savings were for example.

I now understand that some couples have full financial transparency with eachother. But I for some reason feel quite uncomfortable about that right now. I currently pay all the bills which is fine, I've been paying for everything myself for the last eight years or so and she does want to start contributing a bit which is great. I don't have any secret debts or anything like that to hide.

I know I could have handled the situation better but I'm wondering if I'm an arsehole for not telling her how much savings I have for a purpose of which I'm already considering as spent money?

submitted 9 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world

Hi all,

I've recently adopted an 8 year old ginger tom from the rescue centre. We don't know much of his history except for that his old owner passed away and no one else in the family was willing to take him.

We've have had him about 8 weeks and he does have some strange behaviour issues like being a little bit scratchy and bitey, but this mostly seems to be misdirected play and he has been improving whilst we try to be understanding and accommodating. Apart from that he's a lovely cat. He's quite clingy and always wants to know what you're up to!

Anyways, on to the question. Every know and then, when he is relaxing, not even asleep sometimes. He will launch him self out of his skin! It's obviously a fear reaction but I have no idea what sets him off. He recovers from this almost immediately and usually just starts relaxing again.

I wondered if anyone had any experience or advice of a cat that does this? I've had cats my whole life but I have never seen one do this before.

Quiet PC build (uk.pcpartpicker.com)
submitted 10 months ago by 13esq@lemmy.world to c/buildapc@lemmy.world

My first PC build in ten years, my current PC hardware is incompatible with the latest windows release. I'm aiming for quietness and reliability over power.

I'm quite excited to get my hands on some parts again. Let me know what you think! :D

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