Dude, sisters are so much worse. Brothers fight and then it's over, sisters are cold blooded.
Maybe I'm only speaking for myself, but as far as I'm aware my opinion isn't unique and I'm absolutely not here for a circle jerk or an echo chamber, they were my least favourite things about Reddit.
I'm aware of how people use downvotes in reality as opposed to how they would use them ideally in my opinion, I just think it would be a bit of a shame to end up where we left off if we have the opportunity to improve, especially if it means that new or controversial ideas are shared more freely and debate is a lot more open.
My first thought is that the game would become one sided very quickly, but it'd be interesting to try.
Also what if the starting position for that piece is already occupied?
It's true that there are no official guidelines on the use of upvotes and downvotes, but if they are used to bury comments and posts just because they don't align with your personal opinion, Lemmy is at risk of becoming a circle jerk and an echo chamber and I think that would be a great shame.
Above all else we should be encouraging participation, I don't want to think that there are potentially great posts and comments out there but that people aren't posting them because they're worried about downvotes. The freedom of expression means that on occasion you might have to read things that make you uncomfortable and that's OK.
Downvotes aren't supposed to be used just because you don't like, or personally disagree with something, but regardless, when a post makes the front page you're going to be getting comments from people not subscribed to the community.
See the "fuck cars" community for example.
A lot of people have a hate boner for AI. They're not interested in AI news, they just see AI and downvote.
I wouldn't say that I stop thinking, but I can act out thoughts, pay attention to things or have new experiences without internally processing them verbally, although it does help with more complex issues.
If I'm having a shower, I just put soap on a flannel, I don't internally verbalise "put some soap on the flannel, I'm putting soap on a flannel now".
Some people can't turn off their inner monologue?
To me it's as easy as it is to stop talking. I feel like I'm misunderstanding you.
"Russia ready to end war in Ukraine if sanctions are lifted, says Lavrov"
And keep gained territories, and demilitarise Ukraine, and to enforce that Ukraine will not align with other countries.
Honestly, the sanctions are pretty much just a footnote. If the sanctions were all that mattered, they'd simply withdraw.
Everyone likes at least some classical music, most people are far too cool to admit it though.
It's a joke. The implication is that the repeated playing of Baby Shark could be considered torture, other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment and punishment.
I accept that Lemmy is very similar to Reddit, that is why I'm here, but that I do think we have an opportunity to make it even better, even though that's just my opinion.
For me, not trying to be an active part of making Lemmy as best as it can be for everyone would be like leaving the US for the UK because of Trump and then voting for the Tories.
I'm not really asking people to be "nice" with their downvotes, just to restrict them to comments that are off topic, against the community rules, hateful, misleading etc.