[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 2 points 1 day ago

I was at a stupid party full of magas all literally wrapped in the flag....

They're electing a guy who will allow project 2025 to be carried out: a "plan" that has been called by members of the foundation that created it "the second American Revolution"

...the American revolution was to break free from the country that owned it and to become a new country.

In other words, these people hate America so much they want to make a new one. But yes, wrap yourself in that flag you brainwashed, propaganda filled morons...

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 29 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

~~Criminal ✅~~ Illegal Democrat Witch Hunt

~~Con-Man ✅~~ Media Lies

~~Rapist ✅~~ Fake News

~~Racist (They enjoy this.) ✅~~ Democrats are the real DEI racists.

~~Hostile insurrection. ✅~~ Peaceful protest.

Unfortunately for them this is what that list is.

We live in 2 or more realities existing simultaneously due to the real scum of the earth: propagandists.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 7 points 1 day ago

I'm honestly pretty damn mad these people got perfect representation and we get stuck with neolibs who think "yeah yeah 40 years of the same hasn't helped, but this time it will work!"

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 52 points 3 days ago

We ONLY made 10 BILLION in profit!?

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JOHNSON!? We made 10 last year! This year is supposed to be 12 billion!


The inner workings of a Totally Sane Business Economy™

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 22 points 3 days ago

I do what I call "the Moron Macarena" just before I close the door. I pat each pocket and cross my arms patting the pockets again just to look extra stupid when I do it lol

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 13 points 3 days ago

I don't believe it's a conspiracy though that guards were switched out and the cameras went out at the time he "killed himself" and this was during the time that Bill Barr the walrus himself was the AG of the US.

At least I hope that's not fake, I'm fairly sure that's what I read at the time.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 31 points 3 days ago

Man even you're missing the bright side.

At least an insanely tiny group of people got absurdly wealthy! Who cares the world is going to complete shit, Nvidia stock!! Nvidia stock!! It's all that matters!

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 14 points 3 days ago

Why would they stop? They've just secured control of the scrotus for the next few decades, they might as well solidify all power into that position since it can't change every 4 years.


[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 18 points 3 days ago

The Republicans knew exactly how to defang her. They kept going on and on about "mean Hillary" so the fucking fresh poli sci college grads decided hey let's make her more likeable and friendly! Of course that played directly into their plan to make her seem weak.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not in the slightest.

They and the federalist society are the ones pushing the absolutely disgusting changes the Republican party is trying to make. They give the "short list" of judges for Republicans presidents to choose from. They are fully responsible for the shit we're about to go through now that their project is almost complete.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 71 points 3 days ago

You know if there were ever a group of people that deserved to fully understand what it means to be firebombed it's the fucking heritage foundation.

The federalist society is right there with them.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 58 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Just remember guys, the supreme court isn't corrupted by billionaires they just happen to only want to do things that benefit the ultra wealthy. The gifts from mega rich people to Thomas mean nothing.

ItS jUsT a cOiNcIdEnCe...

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