[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 73 points 4 months ago

There are dozens of us! But seriously I've been so happy to be a lady on here and have good conversations with damn near everyone. As for treating myself, I am looking forward to my husband cooking us a nice dinner this weekend.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 59 points 4 months ago

I feel like she's one of the few comedians left who could get away with joking like this. It's glorious.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 77 points 5 months ago

I tell myself every day that I'm not working out for my beach body, I'm working out for my old lady body. I just want to be able to tie my own shoes when I'm 70.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 54 points 6 months ago

Who has money to pay for name brand anything these days. It also doesn't help that their product sucks. Seriously I had to buy a bag of their chicken wings the other week and the product was mostly breadcrumbs and tiny little chicken drumsticks. These companies practice the worst sort of shrinkflation and then act surprised when people stop buying their product.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 64 points 7 months ago

Catholic hospital leaves this women sitting and waiting for care while they debate on whether or not to provide treatment because of laws and policies. They never provide her treatment and she goes home. What choice did this poor woman have but to have a miscarriage at home. I can't begin to imagine the horror and hopelessness this woman endured. She would have been in no good mental state to deal with this and honestly her actions shouldn't be held against her.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 52 points 8 months ago

I dare say that anyone working in healthcare knows a coworker who's committed suicide because of the job. I know I do and it still haunts me even though I managed to get out.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 78 points 8 months ago

This is a Pixar short in the making.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 82 points 9 months ago

Grippy socks are standard issue for all in-patients in most US hospitals because they prevent falls and the floor is nasty. Seriously please wear them during your stay.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 51 points 10 months ago

I had a very misogynistic allergist try to tell me my reaction to a skin prick test was all in my head. He berated me during a tolerance test telling me I was making it all up even though my back was one big welt and I was getting dizzy/confused. I had a previously documented anaphylaxis reaction of severe hypotension that almost killed me prior to seeing this asshole. If I had been in my right mind at the time I would have punched him in his smug face.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 79 points 11 months ago

Geez the judge told the jurors that they would never have to serve jury duty again because the case was so traumatic. I don't even want to imagine what everyone involved went through.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 50 points 11 months ago

Parrots need the same level of commitment and resources as a child. Think of having a permanent 3 year old that welds scissors constantly (beak) for a minimum of 30 years.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 52 points 1 year ago

I don't think the article is misleading. If you take money from the federal government you have to follow their rules. This is how Medicare and other programs have always worked so there is precident. The republicans want to argue semantics on whether the funding agency or Congress have the right to make/change the rules as a stall tactic for positive change. Regardless of their disagreement, their behavior and beliefs in fascism are still abundantly clear.

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