that only makes it more funny to me. i did think that the later part of what i said would be a clue.
that was sarcasm
maybe im not a grammar Nazi for random comments on the internet. i do not give a fuck about your punctuation i have been on the internet long enough to know nobody gives a fuck about punctuation. i do not even want to talk about punctuation its stupid. maybe get better.
you do know there is more then one kind of onion maybe just try different onions.
its almost like this whole sub is based off something that is shit and lame now like its supposed to be funny or something. so becoming a parody of itself.
can you install other app stores on lenovo tablets. f droid has ffupdater for browsers
its also more specific to generating electricity. even in Agriculture there is a limit to what you can get out of the ground.
never use solar panels for side walks its a stupid idea. and there is a reason why solar panels are placed at angle and not flat on the ground.
its about what you need and what you can produce. you can produce more then what you need.
and its not really decentralized because the main server controls who can enter the network.
lets see if the central bank of Russia is still going to buy the ruble or if they have to because Putin said so. at this rate it does not matter how much Russia increases there Military budget it will keep going down anyway.
you should not care about the ticks.