This feels like a rare Mrs True L. Look how sad our boy is.

Let the man use whatever utensil he wants. As long as he isn't slurping his soup, who cares how he uses a spoon?

[-] 50 points 3 weeks ago

"Good idea, what's writing?"

"I don't know"

"Me neither"

[-] 47 points 4 weeks ago

Pirates were surprisingly democratic. When booty was distributed, each member would get a share rather than wages.

Some people got more shares than others, that's true. A cabin boy might only be worth half a share, the quartermaster might be worth a share and a half, etc. But most people got a whole share, and the captain was usually only pulling two shares at most. But shares were agreed at the outset, and everyone knew what they were getting into.

This makes a lot of sense when you're engaged in organized crime against the state. The captain gets final say in most matters, but the risk of mutiny or a crew member turning informant was a sure way to end a captain's career. By splitting the wealth more equitably, the crew becomes more loyal.

You may have heard stories about pirates attacking a ship and then recruiting people from the crew they just attacked. A lot of the time in the stories this is framed as "join us or die" but the truth was a bit different. If pirates were known to kill everyone they meet, people would fight to the death to defend their boss' merchandise. But if the pirates boarded you, you were likely given a chance to surrender in exchange for the loot. Then if they were looking for more crew, they'd start recruiting.

So imagine you're working for a real slave driver (I mean, perhaps literally even), and you get a pittance for your wages. You get raided by pirates, and it's your boss' money or your life. Most people would sooner hand over their boss' money. But then they ask if you'd like to work for someone who doesn't treat you like garbage AND you get a cut of the loot you just handed over. That's a compelling argument.

[-] 43 points 4 weeks ago

60kg of coal to make 1kg of margarine!

I don't know the chemistry behind it, but I suspect even if I did I wouldn't want to eat it

[-] 50 points 1 month ago

When the cashier asks me if I'd like to donate a dollar to starving puppies with leukemia I think, "Why don't you donate a dollar?"

But I don't say that because I know it's the cashier's job to ask and it doesn't help to rag out some poor wageslave.

[-] 40 points 2 months ago

Is this a general indictment of railroad companies, or am I about to read about something ghastly in the news?

[-] 39 points 2 months ago

My understanding is that no amount of anti-virus software replaces common sense. As long as you're not downloading sketchy programs and giving them permission to run, you're pretty well set.

Some people might tell you that there's no viruses on Linux, but that isn't exactly true. Linux has something like 2% of the desktop market, which makes it less attractive to develop malware for - but 2% of a few billion computers is still millions of potential targets. Not to mention that Linux dominates the server market, and arguably that's where malware is more valuable. To think that there's no malware targeting Linux is naive.

Many anti-virus suites are effectively malware though. If you decide you do need AV software make sure to do your research before installing any.

Anyway, long story, I don't personally use an anti-virus, and for your stated uses I'm not sure I'd recommend one.

If you're mostly using it as a web browser then I would definitely recommend a solid ad blocker. UBlock Origin is free, highly esteemed, and can be installed as an extension to whatever browser you're currently using.

[-] 42 points 3 months ago

That's a nice set of hooters

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[-] 40 points 4 months ago
  • ~~Make to-do list~~
  • All of the things I'm supposed to do

I am on a roll!

[-] 46 points 7 months ago

This used to be such a nice neighbourhood before the quack dealers moved in

[-] 45 points 8 months ago

Here's an article summing it up. Essentially, Steamboat Willie, the original Mickey Mouse film, entered the public domain on January 1, 2024.

Here's an infographic from the above article:

[-] 49 points 10 months ago

I don't mean to be pedantic, but just so you know: illicit refers to things which are taboo, illegal, or frowned upon. I think you mean elicit which is to evoke a feeling

For me, it's the sound of heavy rain on the roof. Grandma's house had a tin roof, and we lived in a climate where it rained all the time. The rain hitting a metal roof makes a distinctive sound that I had forgotten about for many many years until I moved into my own place and replaced the roof with steel. It's just so soothing knowing the world's having a fit, but you're safe and cozy in your home

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