[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 1 points 14 hours ago

This keeps popping up in my feed for some reason- So who the fuck is this chick and why are you guys so obsessed with bitching about her?

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 39 points 1 day ago

I feel like stroke having Im read trying understand to this

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 45 points 4 days ago

So turn off the AI. Problem solved. I wonder if the AI is smart enough to figure that out?

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

“…solutions, which include patterns, symbols and other clues to differentiate cards instead of only color.”

This is the way to do it. I’m glad to see more video games including color blindness modes but a lot of them do it in a way that I still can’t differentiate or match what I need to. Having symbols and patterns as well makes a huge difference for me. Everyone’s colorblindness is a little different, so there’s no color scheme to suit everyone. I hope other game makes take a cue from this move.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 149 points 1 week ago

You want some adult books that arent full of negative crap go read some Terry Pratchett. All my life these are some of the only ones that make me laugh out loud consistently while still having a great plot, characters, and just overall excellent writing in so many ways.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 127 points 1 month ago

I cant tell if this is a joke or if this guy is in the bottom quartile.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 108 points 2 months ago

The number of people who still think nuclear is bad and solar / wind will make up for it is really depressing. We could have had an unrivaled nuclear power infrastructure but those NIMBY assholes stopped it 50 years ago and now we rely on extending existing plants past their lifetimes while running in fucking circles about how to save the planet. Has anyone who wants to “go green” without nuclear ever looked at the power output of these things?? It’s not even the same league! AaagggghHhHhhhhhhhh

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 111 points 4 months ago

Way to post a popular opinion in unpopular opinions. Geez.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 115 points 6 months ago

Man thats fucking vague click bait headline. What isotope? How much activity? What was in the water? Nah lets not talk relevant details, lets just spread uninformed fear of the nuclear industry instead.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 125 points 9 months ago

Beat me to it. I remember as a teenager hearing adults laugh about this, “how could you not know coffee is hot?? Hahaha”. Holy shit the McDonalds PR really fucked that lady over. It wasn’t until at least a decade later that I learned the reality of the situation and how horrific her burns were.

Fuck McDonalds.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 134 points 10 months ago

No, this is definitely illegal in the US. You will likely get multiple charges for fraud, intent to sell narcotics, and if anyone gets harmed attempted manslaughter (some people are allergic to oregano, a lot of stuff that looks like cocaine is deadlier than cocaine). If your customers aren’t dumb kids the retaliation could be worse than the cops too.

[-] Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world 107 points 11 months ago

If video games have taught me anything its that theres a series of levers somewhere that will rotate these into position

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