[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 3 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

They do, you aren’t wrong, but I’m not remotely the right person to post this stuff there since I’ve never even visted the community and don’t care about men’s (or any) fashion. Beyond like.. wanting some more interesting options as eye candy..

So by all means, have at ^_^

Here are the URLs from which I grabbed the images. Do with them as you like, but it’s not a topic I’m qualified to post about (I have the style of.. well I haven’t.), nor have interest in posting about, so please do enjoy! Take all the warm fuzzy upvotes for yourself! I have no need :) but that style is still chef kiss. And also skirts are comfy af.



I can’t find the third pic so here’s some bonus pics that I’m into instead! Maybe you’ll also like them! Idk!

https://assets.vogue.com/photos/60e71bdeb0ad2c65600f4956/master/w_960,c_limit/00_social.jpg (zoom this out there’s a totally stellar dude on the right ;) he’s why I picked this)





[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 1 points 12 hours ago

Oh.. umm.. well have a good time with that, I guess.. 👍

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

You are more than welcome to do so, but I don’t really make posts in communities I don’t have an investment in. Or many at all really.

I can send you the URLs for the original pics and all, if you like :) it turns out those I linked are super low quality and a simple screenshot would have higher res.

But I probably don’t belong there; I have no skin in this other than finding men in manskirts psychologically attractive. And even that’s a bit of a stretch as an asexual ;)

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 1 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

I mean… No offense or anything but I really don’t care if I mis-spell a brand name. It’s super unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It’s.. all just stupid marketing anyway, and if they cared, they would have used a smarter spelling.

What I am concerned about is calling oneself stupid and a nazi (of any sort at this point) while actually being neither. Even as a hyperbolic thing, it’s something I greatly dislike.

Please be kinder to yourself. It’s ok to be pedantic, but just say that instead :)

I also have things that make me unreasonably annoyed. It’s ok to have those things :)

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 6 points 18 hours ago

I’m almost 40 and still get carded a lot..

Not at bars. They don’t care and haven’t since I was 18. But my chosen place to buy beer has a 100% carding policy regardless of age, so it doesn’t even feel nice. :( I just have my card ready before I get there so they are just like “ooh your totally on top of it!” That feels alright.

About a week ago I got carded for a video game rated M. First time that’s ever happened in my entire life, no joke.. I’m still salty about that.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 3 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

I’d like to see more of this sort of thing, personally. As just part of the available options. Colors would be great too!

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 4 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

The botulinum toxin is heat sensitive and easily destroyed by boiling temps. As long as you properly cook it, you’ll be fine. From botulism.

Other stuff maybe, but what you said about botulinum toxin specifically is definitely 100% wrong.

This is from Wikipedia, so like this isn’t some obscure knowledge or whatever. It’s suuuuper common info for home canners.

The toxin, though not the spores, is destroyed by heating it to more than 85 °C (185 °F) for longer than five minutes. The clostridial spores can be destroyed in the autoclave with moist heat (120°C/ 250°F for at least 15 minutes) or dry heat (160°C for 2 hours) or by irradiation. The spores of group I strains are inactivated by heating at 121°C (250°F) for 3 minutes during commercial canning. Spores of group II strains are less heat-resistant, and they are often damaged by 90°C (194°F) for 10 minutes, 85°C for 52 minutes, or 80°C for 270 minutes; however, these treatments may not be sufficient in some foods.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 4 points 23 hours ago

So they don’t have ranked voting, then?

Well, good for them for working together to hopefully sidestep the worst of it. I hope it works.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This is basically the reason we have artificial sweeteners, too.

Some dude was trying to make/do something, and labs were sort of “lol everything is safe” back then so he like… had a sandwich.. and noticed it was sweet.. so he just sort of tasted all the stuff he was working with and found aspartame. (I believe it was aspartame)

I believe the same is true for fabreeze, the underlying chemical mechanism was an accidental discovery because the researcher’s wife noticed he didn’t smell of cigarettes. It never caught on tho because it, naturally, has no smell, and you become blind to smells you are constantly exposed to, so until they added perfumes (fabreeze as we know it today), even tho it worked, nobody cared to use it. I wish I could actually find it unscented.. the scented shit stinks and gives me headaches.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The nice thing about it is that this isn’t actually heating an area, it heats you and the mattress/blankets around you, basically making a microclimate in your sleepy cocoon. Very very efficient, even if your electric rates aren’t great (mine really aren’t either, but it still barely touches it, they just don’t use a lot of electricity). I put my heated pad under a padded pad to help retain and even out the heat, and it helps a lot.

Happy to help either way! So here’s some more info!


Most of the below comes from that link-

60-100 watts is roughly average energy use, but you can get lower, and smaller pads will use less.

Energy Cost = (Wattage x Usage Hours) / 1000 x Electricity Rate

For example, let’s assume your heated mattress pad has a wattage of 75 watts, you use it for 8 hours per night, and your electricity rate is $0.12 per kWh. The calculation would be as follows:

Energy Cost = (75 watts x 8 hours) / 1000 x $0.12 = $0.072 per night

For one mattress pad for a 30-day month with the above assumptions, it would run you a whopping $2.16/mth.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 9 points 1 day ago

I really enjoy coconut oil as a rough weather gauge.

I cook with it a lot, but prefer it to be in liquid form for easy measure (which only happens in the warmer bits of summer here), so in winter, I keep a jar of it on top of a particularly warm heat vent.

I keep my place at 60f/15.6c in winter or it costs a fortune to heat. When it’s relatively warm out, the heat doesn’t kick on often enough to melt it, but when it’s real cold/windy the entire thing will be liquid.

[-] BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net 93 points 1 day ago

I find this wholly unsurprising.

All ai projects should be forced to show the entirety of their training data. I don’t give a flying fuck if they want to call it proprietary, they don’t own most of the data in the first place. Even if they bought it, it doesn’t belong to them, just like we don’t own digital movies we buy.

And if even a single piece of that training data doesn’t have proper licensing for that specific use for that specific model, or they are ever found to have withheld any of the data, the model as a whole should be immediately scrapped, along with everything even tangentially derived from it, and the company should be fined fully double whatever amount of money that model generated or one years revenue for the company as a whole, whichever is more (no I don’t care if this leads to bankruptcy, should have thought about that before you stole data), and like use if for affordable housing programs or public schools or something, whatever.

They can try again with clean data, also subject to review. One time. Second time they do the same shady shit, permanently banned from the entire sector.

But regardless, we need to stop rewarding them for this behavior. And we need the consequences to actually hurt or we can expect it to get worse, not better.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I’m probably just out of the loop, but what the hell is up with slapping “Punk” after some random word and trying to pass it off as a thing?

I know cyberpunk, I know steampunk, I know solarpunk, and those I can accept as “more than an aesthetic”, tho steampunk is mostly an aesthetic… but then you have for example frostpunk (a game I know nothing about), cypherpunk, silkpunk, etc. (I don’t really know how to find other bastardizations for examples, but I know I’ve come across other random nouns followed by “punk” and I find it super weird and confusing)

Is it just capitalizing on the cyberpunk/steampunk fad for naming, or do these other “punk” things actually have a legitimate claim of being punk? Is all this ___punk watering down the meaning or am I old man yells at cloud meme here?

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