I think Elon missed the the obvious joke, as per usual lol

I’m not sure if it was like that, since it was almost 30 years ago. They might’ve still been using smoke signals lol

That’s what I assumed as a kid.

That will eventually be their go to for dealing with others, making it a norm will make the public question when aren’t officials projecting?

They want to numb the public to the point we stop paying attention, the sad thing is for a large part of the population, it works. Like parenthood, there needs to be repercussions, otherwise why not lie?

Oh, be not afraid. They don’t come from my butthole. When I summon them, they come from the butts of others.

Feel like this would be useful in lines.

Damn, this is so true…

Or you could stay, there’s no shame friend.

Correct, these are most certainly, POOPS. I have Toto toilets that I bought to ensure I can flush without fear of it’s returning from Sto-vo-kor.

Yes you may, thanks.

That’s like telling me, water is wet… No shit.

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