XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol encrypted TLS connection wiretapping (Man-in-the-Middle attack) of jabber.ru (aka xmpp.ru) service’s servers on Hetzner and Linode hosting providers in Germany. The attacker has issued several new TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt service which were used to hijack encrypted STARTTLS connections on port 5222 using transparent MiTM proxy. The attack was discovered due to expiration of one of the MiTM certificates, which haven’t been reissued.


In a fiery speech to members of the German parliament, Chancellor Scholz championed repatriation deals with third countries as a potential game-changer in addressing the migration challenges faced by EU member states.


DR Congo's electoral commission confirmed on Friday a provisional list of 24 candidates who have registered for the presidential elections on December 20.


Japan's government has asked a court to revoke the legal status of the Japan branch of the Unification Church, the controversial group founded in South Korea.


Brazilian congressional panel on Wednesday accused former President Jair Bolsonaro of instigating the country’s Jan. 8 riots and recommended that he be charged with attempting to stage a coup.


Chancellor Jeremy Hunt took control of the nation’s finances a year ago on Saturday, amid political chaos and turmoil in the financial markets caused by former prime minister Liz Truss’s disastrous mini-budget.


Israeli planes bombed the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt on Tuesday, even as an Israeli military spokesman encouraged Palestinians to use the border post to flee to safety.

Independent Egyptian news outlet Mada Masr, citing an employee at the border checkpoint, reported that Egypt had closed the crossing gate after a warning that Israel would bomb it.

Israeli planes bombed the crossing Monday evening and again on Tuesday after the damage was repaired, Mada Masr and Palestinian media reported.

An estimated 700 Palestinians have been killed in reprisal bombings in Gaza after Hamas gunmen launched a stunning attack on Israel on Saturday, massacring an estimated 900 Israelis.

More than 127,000 Palestinians have been displaced by the ongoing bombing, the U.N. said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Hecht, an Israeli military spokesman, suggested that Palestinians seeking refuge from the bombing could "get out" of Gaza through the Rafah crossing.

Hecht’s office later issued a statement: "Clarification: The Rafah crossing was open yesterday, but now it is closed." The clarification didn’t mention a bombing.

Gaza’s Hamas-controlled interior ministry said in a statement that Egypt had warned staff on the Gaza side of the border crossing to evacuate due to an imminent bombing. Two Palestinian employees were injured, the ministry said.

The U.N. and humanitarian organizations are working to establish a humanitarian corridor through the Rafah crossing to bring medical supplies to Gaza. Israel on Monday declared a "total siege" of the territory.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 12 points 9 months ago

Hey, I think I might to be able to provide some into this insight of yours but before doing so I must let you know that I am not a medical professional and I highly advise you to seek help. Everyone feels like this at some point but when feeling like this it is about what you do or don't do. That being said here is a site that might help you.


I can't say I know exactly how you feel because I'm not you however what I can do is reflect upon what you said. For me I have felt as if life feels like Groundhog Day sometimes.

Everything is in a loop for better or worse and it seems as if the next day will be more of the same. That's how I used to feel, however sometimes one needs to slow down and focus on the little things. It is quite easy to get stuck in an existential crisis, everyone does and that's okay. The thing that matters or at least mattered to me is how I moved forward.

I'll be honest, I am quite the nihilist and in some ways see life as a pointless journey. However, there is another side to it. Knowing that there might not be any point to anything is quite liberating. I am free to do as I please and take control of my life without being concerned about what others may think or how I am perceived.

Ask yourself: are you burned out or do you need a change in your life? Those are two important things to consider. What you say is a bit of a paradox because you can't have one without the other. I too wish there was a pause button on life, but the only pause I get is when I sleep, and I don't do much of that.

If you can, get a pen and paper and write down your concerns. Then categorize them and look at one at a time. Identify each thing to try and find your center so you don't feel trapped. Maybe mix things up if you are in a rut.

Just remember, we are all here for you. Even if we aren't all medical experts, we are more than willing to listen and talk. Because in this world, most people just want to talk about their problems and not listen to the issues and struggles of others. So you are in the right place. If you need anything at all, PM one of our mods or make a post and we will be here for you!

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 23 points 10 months ago

I have to wonder if Interpol could help with issues like this I know there are agencies that work together globally to help protect missing and exploited children.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 169 points 10 months ago

This is seriously sad and awful that people would go this far to derail a community. It makes me concerned for other communities as well. Since they have succeeded in having shitpost closed does this mean they will just move on to the next community? That being said here is some very useful information on the subject and what can be done to help curb CSAM.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) CyberTipline: You can report CSAM to the CyberTipline online or by calling 1-800-843-5678. Your report will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation. The National Sexual Assault Hotline: If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or chat online. The hotline is available 24/7 and provides free, confidential support.

The National Child Abuse Hotline: If you suspect child abuse, you can call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 800-4-A-CHILD (422-4453). The hotline is available 24/7 and provides free, confidential support. Thorn: Thorn is a non-profit organization that works to fight child sexual abuse. They provide resources on how to prevent CSAM and how to report it.

Stop It Now!: Stop It Now! is an organization that works to prevent child sexual abuse. They provide resources on how to talk to children about sexual abuse and how to report it.

Childhelp USA: Childhelp USA is a non-profit organization that provides crisis intervention and prevention services to children and families. They have a 24/7 hotline at 1-800-422-4453. Here are some tips to prevent CSAM:

Talk to your children about online safety and the dangers of CSAM.

Teach your children about the importance of keeping their personal information private. Monitor your children's online activity.

Be aware of the signs of CSAM, such as children being secretive or withdrawn, or having changes in their behavior. Report any suspected CSAM to the authorities immediately.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

Sure, Lemmy does not offer end-to-end encryption by default, which means that your messages could be intercepted by someone who is able to access your ISP's network or the Lemmy server. A red flag for me is the fact that Lemmy stores some user data on their servers, such as your IP address and email address. This data could be used as breadcrumbs.

Lemmy may not sell user data to third parties, but what about the servers? There have been some security vulnerabilities found in Lemmy's code. These exploits could result in servers being hijacked or user accounts compromised.

So, what does all this mean? It means that it is your personal responsibility to take steps to protect your privacy and security when using Lemmy. This includes using the encryption feature, being aware of the risks associated with using Lemmy, and carefully evaluating the privacy policies of any platform before you use it.

I know it's a lot to keep track of, but it's important. Your privacy is your business, and it's up to you to protect it. So take these things seriously, and don't let anyone take your privacy away from you.

About the concerns with Discord:

Creating a post saying, 'everyone else does it' and locking it is funky in my book. I, like you, I am all about transparency and understanding. I fully understand your anxiety, and it is a bit warranted. I am not trying to sound like an alarmist.

On the subject of Discord, it is amazing and disturbing how much data is curated and harvested. Their business model is quite mysterious. No one really knows what their real motives are. Discord shrouds itself and does not provide clear and concise privacy audits or statements on the subject.

You are concerned about your privacy, and rightfully so. Lemmy is designed for privacy from the ground up when used properly and only with encryption functions enabled. Discord, on the other hand, unfortunately has a stranglehold on the instant messaging backbone.

CVE-2021-29465: This vulnerability allowed attackers to overwrite any file on the system with the command results. This could have been used to steal user data, install malware, or take control of Discord servers.

CVE-2021-29466: This vulnerability allowed attackers to read local files from the server. This could have been used to steal user data, such as passwords or chat logs.

CVE-2021-34491: This vulnerability allowed attackers to bypass Discord's rate limit, which could have been used to send spam or DDoS attacks.

CVE-2022-22936: This vulnerability allowed attackers to take control of Discord servers by exploiting a flaw in the Discord Token Generator.

These are just a few examples, but I would be lying if I said they were not patched. That being said there is no telling how many zero-day security risks are out there at this time, so it is important to stay vigilant and ask the hard questions to ensure that your privacy is protected.

Lastly, you could totally start a community here on .world for Discord alternatives. It's a easy breezy lemon squeezy way to find people who are also into privacy and security.


Reports now indicate the August 8 wildfires that ravaged the island of Maui in Hawaii are the deadliest in the United States in more than a century. More than 100 people are confirmed dead, but only a few have been positively identified. Because of the intensity of the flames, some of the victims' bodies were burned so severely they were difficult to identify.

Sadly, many now fear that children account for a large number of the fatalities. Schools in Lahaina were closed because of the fires, and many children were left home while their parents went to work. Families across the island continue to hope and pray they will be reunited with their loved ones, but the situation is becoming more grim as the days go by.

More from CafeMom: Teen Found Burned to Death in Bonfire During Arizona Graduation Trip

The school was supposed to be in session the day the wildfires began. The Wall Street Journal reported that Lahaina schools were set to open August 8, but a power outage canceled classes. This left parents with few choices for child care. The area is mainly working class, and many did not have the option to skip work.

"Our parents work one, two, three jobs just to get by and they can't afford to take a day off," Jessica Sill, a kindergarten teacher at Lahaina's King Kamehameha III Elementary School, which was destroyed by flames, told the Wall Street Journal. "Without school, there was nowhere for [kids] to go that day."

Sill expressed concern for all of her students moving forward. "We are so worried for them and we will do whatever we need to support them through this catastrophe," she said.

Experts fear the death toll will continue to rise. Hawaii Governor Josh Green told CNN that officials are asking family members of the missing to provide DNA samples to help identify bodies.

"We're asking all of our loved friends and family in the area who have any concern to go get swabbed at the family support center so that we can match people genetically," the governor said.

Police have only searched one-third of Lahaina with cadaver-sniffing dogs, leaving a large part of the town untouched, the Wall Street Journal reported. "We are prepared for many tragic stories," Green told CBS News. Green said crews will continue their search in Lahaina homes.

CNN reported the majority of human remains were found on a seaside road. Green said crews now plan to search homes in Lahaina. "Now that we go into the houses, we're not sure what we'll see. We're hopeful and praying that it's not large, large numbers," he said, according to CNN.



TRENTON, N.J. -- State labor officials have temporarily shut down more than two dozen Boston Market restaurants in New Jersey after finding multiple violations of workers’ rights, including more than $600,000 in back wages owed to 314 employees.

A stop-work order was issued Tuesday by the Department of Labor against 27 restaurants across New Jersey. The state also imposed nearly $2.6 million in penalties against the firm.

The Associated Press sent an email seeking comment to Boston Market’s corporate office in Golden, Colorado, on Thursday. There are 31 Boston Market restaurants in New Jersey and 310 nationwide, according to its website.

The company has requested a hearing challenging the state's findings, labor officials said, but a hearing date has not yet been scheduled.

State officials say the investigation began in November, when a worker at a restaurant in Mercer County filed a complaint with the labor department. Since then, nearly three dozen additional complaints have been received naming several Boston Market locations in New Jersey.

The labor department's initial findings included citations for unpaid or late payment of wages, hindering the investigation, failure to pay minimum wage, records violations and failure to pay earned sick leave.


Restaurant asks not to work with Dallas cops who laughed about disabled vet denied toilet Story by Kelli Smith, The Dallas Morning News • 20h

ADallas restaurant asked to no longer work with two police officers caught on video laughing about a disabled veteran who urinated on himself after he was denied restroom access.

A spokesperson for Serious Pizza, which is owned by the restaurant company Milkshake Concepts, released a statement Thursday saying the establishment was “disappointed by the conduct of the officers involved” and was not aware of the extent of the incident until body-camera footage was released this week.

“We have requested that the contracted off-duty officers who were on duty that night not be assigned to our restaurant moving forward, as their actions were not representative of how we treat our guests and the general public,” the company’s statement said.

The Dallas Morning News first reported the veteran’s story Wednesday after he addressed the Community Police Oversight Board at its monthly meeting earlier this month. Dynell Lane, who said he was wounded while deployed with the Army, told the board he was denied access to the restroom while a customer at Serious Pizza in Deep Ellum on June 10, a Saturday.

Lane appealed to two off-duty uniformed officers working security there, who he said refused to review his medical documents. He called 911 for help, but before the on-duty officers arrived, he said he had a urine and bowel leak issue and left the restaurant.


[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 16 points 11 months ago

6 months ago they locked him in a hospital room and prevented his family and attorney to talk to him by having a officer outside his hospital room for "reasons". They hoped he would die and it would all go away.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

That is really thoughtful and kind of you to say. Let me share a story with you. When I was younger, I had the pleasure of having best friends who were Mexican. Their family treated me like I was one of their own. I would go over for dinner and enjoy family time, and I was never excluded. They would take me deep into Mexico, past the border towns, for their children's birthdays.

I think what I am trying to say is that immigrants have it so hard and are so wrongfully targeted. They are the backbone of our society, having to work jobs that no one else wants. Meanwhile, people claim that they are the ones taking the jobs, while corporations engage in profiteering from behind the scenes.

In America, we are supposed to be a melting pot. Yet sadly, there are so many who forget that core value of this country. I too hope that they have moved on to better places that are more accepting, understanding, and compassionate to their struggles. They are no less American than anyone else.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been accused of operating secret police stations in countries around the world. These stations are reportedly used to monitor and intimidate Chinese citizens who live abroad, as well as to track and silence critics of the CCP.

In 2019, the United States Department of Justice indicted two Chinese citizens for operating an illegal Chinese police station in New York City. The station was reportedly used to collect information on Chinese dissidents living in the United States.

In 2020, a report by Safeguard Defenders, a human rights group, found evidence of more than 100 secret CCP police stations operating in countries around the world. The report also found that the CCP was using these stations to track and harass Chinese citizens who were critical of the government.

The CCP has denied the existence of these secret police stations, but the evidence suggests otherwise. The stations are a clear violation of the sovereignty of the countries in which they operate, and they pose a serious threat to the freedom of Chinese citizens living abroad.

In addition to the secret police stations, the CCP has also been accused of using other methods to monitor and intimidate Chinese citizens abroad. For example, the CCP has been known to hack into the phones and computers of Chinese citizens, and it has also been known to use social media to track and harass critics of the government.

The CCP's efforts to monitor and intimidate Chinese citizens abroad are a serious threat to freedom of speech and expression. These efforts also send a clear message to Chinese citizens that they are not free to speak out against the government, even when they are living outside of China.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

You and me both so many young Iranians have not been so lucky. My heart breaks for them all.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Yeah the whole thing sucks just remember their are religious fanatics within all religions.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 42 points 11 months ago

Companies are notoriously guilty of hindering their competition illegally, usually they don't have a leg to stand on and fold under the weight of tech giants. I hope this is going to start a trend because amazon does the exact same thing.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 22 points 11 months ago

submission statement:

Google has been ordered to pay $338.7 million in damages for patent infringement related to its Chromecast streaming devices.

The patents in question relate to "a system for presenting and controlling content on a display device."

Touchstream Technologies, Inc., the patent holder, claims that Google met with them in 2011 to discuss a partnership, but Google was not interested.

The first generation Chromecast was released in 2013, and the latest Chromecast with Google TV was launched in 2022.

The jury's decision is not final, as Google has said that it intends to appeal.

[-] CantSt0pPoppin@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago

This is a clear violation of peoples rights. No one should need a doctors note to wear a mask in a post covid world. Covid is still here and it is not going anywhere.

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