[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

If he's in the general, I'll vote for Biden's head in a jar if it comes to that, but this is starting to have some real Hillary 2016 vibes about it. There are a whole lot of dipshits out there that think they are more or less the same because they are both old white guys, which is just Peak Stupid, but there you have it.

I think someone else given the chance, like Gavin Newsom, would build a brand in time for the fall. They'd have to much free press as a consequence of being chosen and if we get someone that is a real GD fighter for Americans they'd do well, IMHO.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

Yes. 100% this. Age is just a number. But we need Democrats that will fight for us, for god's sake. Not just shrug at losing because they, personally, gave it their all. Fuuuuuuuck that noise.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago

Well, if he had a long life ahead of him, he should worry a lot since donnie and his goons will seek to lock him up. This country will not be at peace if Biden fails.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

It's too bad their cult does not involve abstaining from sex and cutting off their own nuts.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 7 points 5 hours ago

They'll gaslight right up until the point where they are implementing it, and likely even after. That is classic con behavior - and fascist behavior, it turns out.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 7 points 14 hours ago

The cons have been upset with the founding of America ever since its outset.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Eh, people, especially the rich, will likely be living longer and longer. Also, only a total sociopath would not care about what their children and grandchildren, etc., have to face. Again, I think the important thing is competency and the policies they support (hopefully backed by evidence if they have a political past). Someone with a few years under their belt is also hopefully more likely to look at the longer span of things, given that they've ideally accrued some level of wisdom.

If someone is 90 and still mentally fit, and socially aware like Bernie would be far more preferable than some spry spring chicken that adores the likes of Steve Miller. Again, I think age is just a number. There is nothing inherently good or bad about someone being young (some younger people seem to be old souls and have a lot more wisdom than the number of times they circled the sun) - or old. IMHO.

I know this country has always worshiped youth, and that's not fallen out of fashion just yet. I just happen to think that's rather dumb.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I'm not sure there is systemic racism against whites (as of yet). Or at least I've not seen any evidence for this. I do think there are certain activists that actually would be just fine if there were, though. Two wrongs don't make a right.

What everyone should be talking about is equal opportunities. Try to see things through another's eyes. Understand the human experience has much more in common than we are different, etc....but instead, the new mantra from extremists seems to be that a certain set of demographics is elevated and another set needs to only listen because they could not possibly understand or empathize, so they should just sit down and shut up because humans are just sooo different from one another.

Often subtracting any aspect of class in this conversation - so we have absolutely absurdist outcomes like: Will Smith, who has an amount of privilege that few in this country could possibly match, walks up and slaps Chris Rock (who is probably close to Will Smith in privilege level), out in public. And we had some of this fringe claiming that white people could not discuss this event, and really should not offer our opinion; it was a Black thing. WTAF?

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Yes, like I said, a lot of it almost seems to be crafted to generate lots of resentment and division vs. pointing out the progress that has been made and working toward making things better. I mean, anyone that points out how far things have come is made out to be some kind of reactionary by some of this group.

I'm all for people learning real history, and learning to get along in this melting pot, and for everyone to have a seat at the table. But some extremist members seem to want to have a platform to lecture a certain other set of people, telling them how they should do this, and feel that (mostly feel bad for being who they were born as). Well, I'm not sure how that's ever worked to win people over. I think this extremist fringe is definitely not helping the progressive cause. Some of them may be deluded to think that they can make everyone come over or be made to kowtow to their view. I don't believe this to be the case, and I think more than a few of them are not even actually on the progressive side at all, but just merely troublemakers with a vendetta and a chip on their shoulder, or worse, con plants put there to make the entire left look ridiculous and hateful.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I'm just asking how much of an ally Disney really is. To me, it just seems to be a way to hit the hornets nest, and build up tons of resentment among a certain set of people that might be centrist/apolitical in the first place. I don't think it's helping the liberal/leftist cause - if anything it just seems like performance art crafted to anger a lot of people that for class reasons, might vote Democratic.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Right, it's not like no woman would ever lie about such things and it's not like after 2017 women everywhere became somehow unable to lie about it. I think it's fair to believe it happens more than some believed before, and such claims deserve careful consideration. Moral panic is never good, however. Historically it's always led to bad outcomes and overreactions society as a whole tens to regret.

[-] CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Yes, I think sacrificing innocent people is not good if that was misdirected anger because a slimy sex offender like donnie slid into office. It's not like something like #metoo cannot oversteer into a moral panic like so many other similar things have done. Do I think anyone deserves to be sexually assaulted (there are male victims as well) - of course not. And of course I think people that perpetuate such assaults need to be appropriately punished.

We should also recognize that women are capable of lying about such things, and these kind of things are obviously weaponized only against Democratic politicians for the most part. If a Republican gets all gropey and creepy, nothing seems to be done about it (at least in some very notable cases), even if verified in a court of law.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

Looking for recommendations/experiences on having a Macbook Pro M2 Max 2023 use 4 external monitors.


I wonder about them for two key reasons:

  1. Why won't they provide an end to end encryption?
  2. Why won't they give an option to keep that little bubble green?

Seems awfully sus and anti-worker, if you ask me. Most other clients tend to have these as options and have even before Slack crept into the picture.


And by this, I mean, advice for the actual act of getting investment income (ideally without touching principal).

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