A movie was made about this.
Marxist ideology does one thing well. It makes the majority of people equally poor.
Agreed. Both sides get goofy with their predictions. Carville said Harris was going to win a landslide against Trump. She didn't. She didn't lose in a landslide but it was a pretty serious beatdown.
You said you were angry. That isn't me telling you how you feel. Were you not aware you said that?
Yes, the majority voted for Trump. That is why he won both the EC and the popular vote.
What a weird response. I never said anything about you, other than confirming what you said.
I am very aware of what’s going on. It’s the left who doesn’t get it. They don’t get they lost. Their ideas are unpopular. It’s why there was a red wave.
I think the earliest we will know is next year. I don't see much changing until then. The severance package is very generous, which would prevent any savings from being seen until next year
The question is, will they break the government with what appears to be an unorganized attempt at culling the waste?
Anger is a fair reaction, but that is the consequence of Biden and Harris. Had the Democrats ran someone more competent, I think they would have won.
As I said previously, I am against sending out 5K. I think that is an attempt to buy affection and I think it will only drive inflation higher.
Be civil. You are scared and panicking, but things will be fine in four years. America is resilient. After the left shit the bed, this is the reaction to it. If this goes poorly, we will have another shift to the left. People keep skreening that Trump is a dictator which is a silly hyperbole.
Right now, they are trying to get the spending under control, which is something that the American people want. I don't like how they are doing it but it needs to be done.
Why I’m against it. The stimulus checks did help drive inflation. While it sounds nice to get 5k. It’ll drive inflation even higher. It’s a bad idea
It last four years and popularity will grow as things get better.
The people have spoken. While I don't agree wit how he is doing everything, I do support him actually doing something. It is nice to have someone actually doing what they said they would do.