[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 41 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

OK. I'd rather organize under conditions where shitlibs can see the government is evil than when they're trying to cudgel us all to death for criticizing their genocide king and queen

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 42 points 3 months ago

They murdered him :(

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 41 points 3 months ago

Y'all keep me sane. I love this place so much. It's so nice to not have to deal with shitty fascist white racist liberal genocide apologists.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 38 points 4 months ago

Don't have an answer but Comrade, with love, why would you ever visit Hexbear on a work PC? The boss owns that shit, keep your work and personal life separate so they don't have dirt on you.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 41 points 4 months ago

All she would have to do is publicly state that she was wrong to support the Democrats, denounce the Democratic Party for genocide, and tell people to never vote Democrat again. It's actually really easy and is the bare minimum she can do with her platform. I'd demand this as the absolute bare minimum from anyone who supported the Nazi Party. And like I said, it's easy. Look, I'll do it now:

When I was a child I naively supported the candidate from the moderate wing of the American Nazi Party (Barack Obama), thinking that the Party was going to reform and stop murdering civilians. I was wrong. I have since grown and learned that the entire American Nazi Party is unreformable and now denounce the entire party and anyone who supports them.

Done. I can do it, and Contra's older and believes herself more mature than I, so it should be a piece of cake for her.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 38 points 4 months ago

Well when our only electoral options are Nazis, what does that tell you about the legitimacy of the US's "democracy"?

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 41 points 5 months ago

Wrong. The national guard should have been deployed against the cops to protect us from the biggest white power gang in the US.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 38 points 5 months ago

At this point I'm growing to hate liberals more than I hate conservatives. Conservatives openly embrace their evil and don't pretend to be anything else; Liberals pretend they're good people and get very upset when you point out that the things they support (cough cough, genocide) are evil, whereas conservatives say "hell yeah we love murdering {insert racial slur}" and then nobody minds when you throw rocks at them.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 39 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I too am in a cross-religious relationship. A certain amount of political diversity is fine so long as the other partner isn't any flavor of fascist.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 41 points 5 months ago

It feels harder to maintain friendships with people who've gone back to pretending covid isn't a thing. At this point I won't hang out indoors with anyone who won't wear a mask

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 39 points 5 months ago

They're adherents of the American Civic Religion and all of their views and beliefs come through that lens. Their blind faith prevents them from recognizing the material and political realities of the situation. Which is to say, they're worse than useless and are a defacto enemy as they crush any seed of effective resistance while diverting all resources to the collaborationist DNC.

Not much we can do now but try to survive and protect what and who we can.

Well said, thank you comrade.

What was that liberal tweet about how people would riot if Roe was overturned? It got so many retweets and shares. Riots should have happened, but when it came time to do it none of the liberals rioted.

I remember the milquetoast "progressive" Nathan J Robinson arguing that if Biden won he should stack the Supreme Court to fix it, since everyone could see the Republicans had cheated to capture the SC anyway. Even that was too extremist. The Democratic Party straight up does not want to win. What's the point of voting them into power when they just turn around and hand all that power to the Republicans anyway for the sake of "bipartisanship" and "being the bigger people"?

I'm not leaving the USA though, shithole though it is it's my home and my family have all moved here. I don't want to go somewhere else. Fascism is on the rise all across the West and I don't do well with extreme heat so the Global South is out.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 40 points 11 months ago

Not gonna lie, my experience with white liberals is that they are so racist and hate Muslims and brown people so much that I expect they'll turn up in droves to vote for Biden and these polls are just skewed. They're so coddled and self-centered that they think Trump was the worst thing to ever happen, and why would they risk letting him back into power in order to protest a genocide they likely support?

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