
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

oh i just meant could you link the one you're looking at? there shouldn't be many, you're almost certainly fine if it's by ken ishikawa

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (5 children)

yeah that should be how it works. what release are you looking at?

[–] 16 points 9 months ago (3 children)


it feels wrong frowning at something that brings so much joy and is the morally correct thing to be

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (7 children)

you wanna read the getter robo saga. getter robo (1974) -> getter robo g (1975) -> getter robo go (1991) -> shin getter robo (1997) -> getter robo arc (2002)

that's the manga ken ishikawa did, everything else can be ignored. getter robo g is sometimes included as part of the 1974 getter robo manga so might not be its own thing. the getter robo saga is a rerelease that has all of the main manga

[–] 10 points 9 months ago

i'm guessing/hoping that he'll at least be on probation in november, but it's possible that he'll manage to pay that off

[–] 84 points 9 months ago (4 children)

he can't vote for himself because he lives in florida lmao

[–] 126 points 9 months ago (19 children)

he won't face consequences but i'm still cheering. there's a non-zero chance some very funny stuff comes out of this, inshallah

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (9 children)

getter robo is a series about how the hotblooded nature of a manly manga hero can easily turn into a constant desire for expansion and domination and is kind of fascist. it's also a series about the coolest shit ever happening, with giant robots fighting dinosaurs and demons and weird bug aliens and wizards

jojo's bizarre adventure doesn't always have good politics, but steel ball run (part 7) is a mostly standalone part that's all about how american imperialism is bad, and is also just really good

look back is a one shot by tatsuki fujimoto that's good. not particularly political, it's just a good drama

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

if you want the 50 episode f91 could have been, victory gundam is right there

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

sho is so cool, i love her

[–] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

(i made a :sicko-getter: where the only difference is that he has the getter eyes)

go is good, it has a pretty bad stretch in the middle but everything on either side of it is peak. and then shin and arc are both just fantastic from beginning to end

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

oh, two more i like a lot that are ongoing

liar satsuki sees death is about satsuki, an ambiguously gay and pretty autistic high school girl who has the power to see corpses in the future and has to use that to try and prevent anyone from dying. no one believes her when she tells them "you're going to die in a few hours!" so she has to use other methods to save their lives. making friends, trying not to get detention for all the reckless shit she has to do, figuring out the mystery of why her school has so many accidental deaths

until i become me is about a young boy who magically turns into a girl and just spends years processing this. she feels conflicted about her gender identity, is terrified that she won't pass when going to school and will be exposed, is working through her sexuality and making friends. really quiet and grounded for a magic gender bend series, and it doesn't alienate me as a trans woman who has transitioned which is impressive for the premise

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

unrelatedly i just finished the hg gundam calibarn, which is a really nice build. very clean design, the white plastic has a nice feel. i wish the show and its role in it were better but the gundam itself leaning into the witch aesthetic with the big broomstick gun jet thing is extremely good. stickers are always a pain but this time the only truly problematic stickers were the green ones on the gun broomstick thing. pain in my fucking ass, but outside that a really great build as expected from the wfm line


Usually, you need about 10 minutes to walk from the Rayburn House Office Building to the House Chamber. But if you’re running from a reporter, it’ll only take you five.

When Matt Gaetz spotted me outside his office door one afternoon early last November, he popped in his AirPods and started speed walking down the hall. I took off after him, waving and smiling like the good-natured midwesterner I am. “Congressman, hi,” I said, suddenly wishing I’d worn shoes with arch support. “I just wanted to introduce myself!” I had prepared a long list of questions, hoping for a thoughtful conversation but ready for a tense one. He was a firebrand, after all, or so said the title of his 2020 memoir, Firebrand.

Gaetz is a creature of our time: versed in the art of performance politics and eager to blow up anything to get a little something. He landed in Washington, D.C., as a freshman nobody from the Florida Panhandle, relegated to the back benches of Congress. Seven years later, he’s toppled one House speaker and helped install a new one. He has emerged as the heir of Trumpism. And he’s poised to run for governor in a state of nearly 23 million people.

I had tried repeatedly to schedule an interview with Gaetz. His staff had suggested that he might be willing to sit down with me. But there the firebrand was, that day in November, running away from me in his white-soled Cole Haans. Gaetz broke into a light jog down the escalator, then flew through the long tunnel linking the Rayburn offices to the House Chamber. Finally, I caught up with him at the members-only elevator, my heart pounding. I stretched out my hand. He left it hanging. We got on the elevator together, but he still wouldn’t look at me.

“Are you … afraid of me?” I asked, incredulous. Finally, he made eye contact and glared. Then the doors opened, and he walked out toward the chamber.

everything about this guy is funny except the things that are horrifying

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

thinking about this post again. they don't have to be directly about it, subtext is a real thing to take into consideration here. artists who have strong opinions on it should be taken into account. i have pretty broad standards for what counts here, i'm just trying to figure out how accurate the post is generously

right off the bat we've got a bunch

  • patlabor (2 especially)
  • gate
  • gits sac 2nd gig
  • kyoukai senki
  • zipang
  • drifters
  • code geass
  • gundam seed
  • aot (iirc iseyama has opinions)
  • kantai collection (this level of nostalgia for ww2 military stuff definitely goes here)
  • space battleship yamato
  • universal century gundam (abstractly, if you take the read of zeon being close to 1 to 1 with imperial japan to be true)

i know there's way more on the tip of my tongue but i can't think of them rn. and if you could include any details on what makes you say it's about article 9 i'd appreciate that




you can't be talking like that cis youtuber!

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