yeah that should be how it works. what release are you looking at?
you wanna read the getter robo saga. getter robo (1974) -> getter robo g (1975) -> getter robo go (1991) -> shin getter robo (1997) -> getter robo arc (2002)
that's the manga ken ishikawa did, everything else can be ignored. getter robo g is sometimes included as part of the 1974 getter robo manga so might not be its own thing. the getter robo saga is a rerelease that has all of the main manga
getter robo is a series about how the hotblooded nature of a manly manga hero can easily turn into a constant desire for expansion and domination and is kind of fascist. it's also a series about the coolest shit ever happening, with giant robots fighting dinosaurs and demons and weird bug aliens and wizards
jojo's bizarre adventure doesn't always have good politics, but steel ball run (part 7) is a mostly standalone part that's all about how american imperialism is bad, and is also just really good
look back is a one shot by tatsuki fujimoto that's good. not particularly political, it's just a good drama
oh, two more i like a lot that are ongoing
liar satsuki sees death is about satsuki, an ambiguously gay and pretty autistic high school girl who has the power to see corpses in the future and has to use that to try and prevent anyone from dying. no one believes her when she tells them "you're going to die in a few hours!" so she has to use other methods to save their lives. making friends, trying not to get detention for all the reckless shit she has to do, figuring out the mystery of why her school has so many accidental deaths
until i become me is about a young boy who magically turns into a girl and just spends years processing this. she feels conflicted about her gender identity, is terrified that she won't pass when going to school and will be exposed, is working through her sexuality and making friends. really quiet and grounded for a magic gender bend series, and it doesn't alienate me as a trans woman who has transitioned which is impressive for the premise
oh i just meant could you link the one you're looking at? there shouldn't be many, you're almost certainly fine if it's by ken ishikawa