
joined 11 months ago
[–] 9 points 1 week ago

Segregate and control the lessons. A public school probably can't teach the US is a Christian nation or that being gay is evil, but a religious private school...

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hopefully we can at least move to a safer state when our current lease runs out, moving is just expensive chaos is all, and our lease is for another year and a half :/ Worst case we just hop in the car and leave but that's less than ideal.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

As a broke disabled trans person, who isn't getting out of the country let alone shitty red state my SO and I are in anytime soon, yes please. I should've gotten a passport when I had the chance but here we are...

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I couldn't figure out how to edit it while it was "removed" so I just deleted it, it probably isn't really helpful for me to have a post on this that is, in essence "I won't misgender you buuuuuut" and dump all my misconceptions and realizations about irrational anxieties like y'all are my therapist. I agree with you, no matter what I believe respect requires using somebody's preferred pronouns.

[–] 25 points 1 month ago

Pokemon doesn't have direct control of the mechanical system by which pokemon cards are traded. They also don't get a percentage cut whenever a pokemon card is bought/sold on their storefront, and they don't take pokemon cards as payment for games, software, and computer hardware. Valve facilitates, profits from, controls, and could ultimately shut down, these online casino spaces. They actively choose not to, and participate in using loopholes (see the xray scanner). Ideally, yes, the government fixes this. Realistically, any solution that isn't going to take years, and be easily bypassed with a VPN, or just having your company be based in a "sanctuary" country, is going to lie with Valve. Either self enforced or forced by the US govt, they have the means to kill gambling easily because they control the accounts involved, the systems used to trade said items, and the virtual currency players earn. Even something as simple as adding age verification would help. They don't have to stop, just accept responsibility for having an in game slot machine that spits out items that have real world value, and follow laws and measures to protect minors.

So yes. i hold Valve, a massively profitable company directly facilitating and profiting from its illegal gambling industry to the point where the casinos openly sponsor pro teams to a higher standard than the company that prints pokemon cards, which can be bought and sold and gambled with like any physical good in a physical game of chance.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago (7 children)

He did say govt should be involved, and I'd agree generally. Gambling and gambling lite like lootboxes need regulation to die, but Valve is also a massive company running the biggest game storefront in the world, and they don't need the money from the lootboxes and cuts from selling and trading. They aren't in direct competition with most game creators, they compete with other storefronts, and it isn't even close. They could fix this relatively easily and it would barely make a dent in their finances.

They could also leave the lootboxes and gambling up, and just implement an age verification system, one that locks you out of trading until the account is verified 18 or older, and add other tools like locking yourself out of trading or opening boxes similar to how casinos allow you to blacklist yourself for your own good.

In terms of a relatively quick, relatively painless, realistic fix, with a decent timeframe, valve makes the most sense, and they can fix this extremely easily compared to getting every government in the world to agree, implement, and enforce regulations. Ideally, yes, governments fix it. Realistically, kids are getting addicted to gambling and having their lives ruined right now, and valve has the power to stop it. I think it's fair to ask, and expect a real answer, yes or no.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I got mine a while ago, so they must have changed the firmware they have by default since then. Mine had some flavor of marlin with a super simple touchpad. Or maybe I have the 3 pro... Honestly, it's been like 3 years and I still have to unpack the thing since moving, so I could be wrong on the exact model >.<

Edit: I looked up the old receipt its the 3 pro sorry ;-;

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Weird, my neptune 4 pro just has metal spacers and no bed screws. Maybe they fixed it in a later release.

Edit: its the 3 pro my bad I'm dumb ;-;

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I've only had the 4, but it serves me pretty well. I do have some issues with calibration sometimes but it's pretty fixable with some tinkering. I think theferalengineer on youtube also has some videos about the neptune 3 and 4, he's where I figured out how to put klipper on my 4 pro. Edit: I'm dumb I have the 3 pro sorry!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

If you get the 4 pro, keep in mind it has auto bed leveling but if its uneven beyond the ability of the software it doesn't have bed screws. I've had to shim mine with foil to make it level Edit: I'm dumb i have the 3 pro sorry ;-;

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