[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 36 points 11 months ago

This is great to see, the Biden admin has been doing a way better job than I thought they would going into the presidency. Still a long ways off from what I'd ideally want to see but moves like this are always welcome.


This evening I was walking my dogs outside and a little kid was out with his mom. He was about eight years old I'd guess. The kid came up and asked me if he could pet my dog and I said sure, then as he's petting the Corgi he looks up at me and asks:

"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Because you look li..." Just then his mother cuts him off "Atreyu!!" and pulls his arm. "You don't ask people tha..." and I didn't hear the rest as she pulled him down the sidewalk.

I didn't really have time to give any answer as his completely mortified mom pulled him away. But I just laughed and called out to the mom that it was okay, the look on her face seemed thankful and apologetic. Mainly mortified though. But as an enby who feels euphoria from androgyny, that made my night.

Thanks for the unintended compliment little dude lol

I just wanted to share this funny euphoric moment.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 40 points 11 months ago

Somewhere I have a picture of it saved, but as a Sys Admin for an office one person had so much dead skin piled on their mouse I gagged. It formed the shape of their fingers on the buttons and the dead skin was, not exaggerating, like 4-5 millimeters thick of caked-on yellow disgustingness. Mind you, we provide new mice for people to use in the office for any reason, they just need to let us know and ask. There was no reason for this other than the person just being a Nurgle initiate or some shit. People are gross.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 40 points 11 months ago

Yeah, when Digg did the dumb thing all those years ago Reddit didn't start eclipsing it for another two or three years. This feels very similar to that time tbh. Lemmy will get there, but I imagine it'll take longer due to its fragmented nature scaring some non-techies so I'd guess four years and we'll see numbers to rival Reddit. If you care about that, I kind of like the smaller communities, honestly.

Too bad there's not a RemindMe Bot on Lemmy yet, this would be perfect for that lol

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 33 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I get it, my sister got bugs in her home before from a hoarder neighbor and I've known somebody who had to move due to a fire caused by a different hoarder so I understand why they'd want/need to do this. But I feel like this falls under the inspection notification laws, at least my state has it where they need to inform you 24 hours before any inspection. So they should've sent out a notification 24 hours before flying the drone over and it would've been fine IMO. I'm not saying this guy was a hoarder either though, the insurance company wouldn't release their photos so we can't say if that's actually the case one way or the other. But I'm fine with them using drones tbh.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 35 points 11 months ago

I don't mind too much, I didn't know TorGuard was blocking that traffic or logging American users but now I do. So I appreciate the article in that regard but the post should've been titled like "Reminder that TorGuard tracks American users" or something rather than being presented as new info imo.

Lunc Comb Rule (beehaw.org)

Lunc 🪮


More than 150 years after the Navajo Nation signed treaties with the United States establishing its reservation and recognizing its sovereignty, the country’s largest tribe still struggles to secure the water guaranteed by those agreements.

In a 5-4 decision, the court denied the Navajo Nation’s request that the federal government be forced to act in a timely manner to help the tribe quantify, settle and access its water rights... ... Writing for the majority, Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the tribe’s treaties do not impose “a duty on the United States to take affirmative steps to secure water for the Tribe.”

Link to the PDF going over the 5-4 SCOTUS decision.


When the researchers drafted their report, they included a key suggestion: The DOT should craft federal regulations requiring side guards.

But that recommendation generated intense resistance, both internally, from department officials who challenged their findings, and externally, from trucking industry lobbyists.

... the department supervisor overseeing the project had a very direct message for the researchers. “PLEASE delete any mention of a recommendation to develop … any regulation,” he wrote in an email. “An industry standard is acceptable, but no mention of ‘regulation.’”

The industry objections resulted in a remarkable concession from the department: It allowed trucking company lobbyists to review the researchers’ preliminary report and provide comments on it.

By the time of its release in 2020, the report had been dramatically rewritten, stripped of its key conclusions — including the need to federally mandate side guards — and cut down by nearly 70 pages.


Do articles about medicine go in the Science community? Seemed like the best place for what I thought was a really well written article about this niche subject matter.

... Kevin said that he had undergone five surgeries with Elist, including two upgrades, a revision and a removal, and his penis no longer functioned.

Still, Kevin had always found the surgeon to be caring, if a little preoccupied. “He reminded me of Doctor Franken­stein — the intensity of him wanting this thing to come to life,” Kevin told me. It sounded strange, he acknowledged, but before each operation he’d been filled with excitement. “You just feel relieved that you’re fixing something,” he said.

At an appointment earlier this year, Kevin said, Elist promised to fix him again with a sixth procedure, but one of the surgeon’s assistants discreetly advised against it...


In April 2022, for example, DeSantis explicitly claimed that publishers of math textbooks were targeting elementary school students with Critical Race Theory, which DeSantis sometimes calls "race essentialism"

Weeks later, Popular Information reported that the reviews of the math textbooks revealed unequivocally that DeSantis was lying. No reviewer of Florida math textbooks for elementary school students found any instances of CRT.


A fun read about a prominent medieval woman that you've probably never heard of:

Cynethryth rose to prominence as Offa’s queen with the birth of their son and heir, but her life and influence outlived both these men. As part of a royal family whose legitimacy was stressed in religious terms, Cynethryth was able to enjoy an exalted status that also had practical applications - she was an important landholder, possibly with her own income, who retired as an abbess with a position of great authority. Despite her remarkable career, at the centre of a period of Mercian political dominance, there has not yet been a substantial historical study on Cynethryth’s life, which leads me to conclude that she is one of the most important ‘forgotten’ queens of the early medieval period.

I thought it might be good to label the subject matter of the humanities/culture post in the title? Let me know what you think.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org to c/news@beehaw.org

Main points of how they're moving forward on these issues.

  • Linguistic digitization projects
  • Technological innovation
  • Crowdsourcing and community participation
  • Education and awareness
  • Government support and policy

Isopod Rule (beehaw.org)
Koala Cat Hat (beehaw.org)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org to c/animals@beehaw.org

Her name is Lola and she is quite tolerant of shenanigans.


Founded in 2004 by Sri Lankan gay rights activist Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Equal Ground has dedicated over 15 years to conducting groundwork in 50 cities across Sri Lanka. Their efforts have aimed to sensitise and educate people, fostering better understanding and acceptance of the Queer community. In an interview with Give Out, Flamer-Caldera pondered on the upcoming decriminalisation law, stating, “It’s going to take a lot more sensitising and education, but at least now we will have the law on our side.” She also notes that the challenge lies in transforming people's mindsets and existing systems, because “it’s not about the law, it’s about people’s perceptions."

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 75 points 1 year ago

Loving the anti-tankie memes, establishing this community to be based af


Article 23 of the city’s mini-constitution, the Basic Law, stipulates that Hong Kong shall enact its own laws to prohibit seven types of offences: treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the central government, theft of state secrets, foreign bodies’ conducting political activities in the city, and local bodies establishing ties with foreign bodies.

... Pro-democracy advocates fear it could have a negative effect on civil liberties.

Yeah, I'd say that would indeed have a negative effect on civil liberties.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 54 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've seen that article and no, we still don't need to be worried. Just defederate and that's all. As evidenced by the final paragraph:

Fediverse can only win by keeping its ground, by speaking about freedom, morals, ethics, values. By starting open, non-commercial and non-spied discussions. By acknowledging that the goal is not to win. Not to embrace. The goal is to stay a tool. A tool dedicated to offer a place of freedom for connected human beings. Something that no commercial entity will ever offer.

Just keep using it as the community building tool it is, defederate and protect those communities and we're golden.

Everybody relax.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 109 points 1 year ago

Before everyone freaks out, this has zero impact on our communities. Chill.

They can already do this by bringing content from Mastodon to Meta platforms via links and screen grabs, this only speeds up the process.

Personally, I love that they're not federating day one. Because I don't want any instances I use to federate with them, I don't want to be connected to a Meta platform unless I deliberately go to a Meta platform to use it.

To expedite the process, Mastodon instances should just defederate from them entirely. Don't let them access that data through ActivityPub. They can build their own platform on the Fediverse and we can have our network of smaller connected instances.

Them doing this does not affect our communities unless we let it. Defederate from them and we can go on our merry way and they can have their own ad laden instance that's not connected.

Everyone, relax. Continue building your communities here and ignore Meta in their unconnected instances.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 38 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hi, Beehaw user here. You can downvote me all you want and they'll never appear on my instance so that won't be an issue. I could be sitting at -50 on your instance and it'll always appear as 1 on mine.

Honestly though, I'm a big fan of the defederation decision (at least for now). It's only a temporary measure until Lemmy gets more powerful mod tools and then they'll refederate when they can more easily moderate the trolls and bad actors. This is one of the features of the fediverse, got an instance that's producing a large amount of trolls? Not anymore! Insta-community clean. The only people I've ran across that don't like it are normally the people that end up getting banned tbh.

Edit: For reference to the vote scores, on Beehaw this is currently sitting at 25 upvotes for me. If anybody is viewing from an instance with downvotes, that's how it appears for Beehaw users.

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 33 points 1 year ago

Still getting used to the fact that I'm seeing Mastodon posts while browsing Lemmy. Really loving this federated infrastructure design!

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 69 points 1 year ago

I'm going to be honest but Trump blaming mutants was not on my bingo card. Is it X-Men variety or more TMNT?

[-] Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org 33 points 1 year ago

people can easily sign up here or another non-blocked instance

It requires approval to sign up here and a lot of the other instances Beehaw is federated with, because of that filter it will drastically cut down on trolls and make moderation much easier for the small team here.

The beauty of the fediverse is that we can go make a lemmy.world account and enjoy all that content if we want. I have an account there already, and a kbin.social account because it's temporarily defederated from just about everyone.

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joined 1 year ago